All about the genuine Sabah Claim Society

ATTENTION! This blog is the genuine Sabah Claim Society.

We are Philippine patriots who have grouped together from around the world and who created the Sabah Claim Society group originally on Facebook on 15 July 2011 and counted close to 6,000 members.

But on 5 October 2011 our group on Facebook was traitorously hijacked by two people we had invited to join us as group admins but who, we learned later on, had been hired to sabotage our patriotic group by a group of sinister individuals sporting fake European sounding nobility titles and other spurious Tausug/Sulu titles ['bestowed' and indiscriminately distributed on Facebook] and organized by a combined team of charlatans namely a datu (sporting a fake sultan title) and the latter's handler who is conveniently sporting an absolutely fake 'princely' title as well.

Please be warned that the said group of individuals, we believe, are in fact con artists out to "claim" Sabah for "get rich quick" reasons and are not genuine Philippine patriots. Their motive, we have discovered, is to be able to convince Malaysians that they are genuine Sulu royalty and pro-Philippine Sabah claim supporters in order to extract from Malaysia (which has control of Sabah today) a premium for letting go of the Sabah claim.

For more information on the Philippine Sabah claim, please join the ongoing discussions by clicking on the following link on Facebook: Philippine Sabah Claim Forum


Monday 31 December 2012

HM Sultan Muedzul-Lail T Kiram sends his very best wishes for a prosperous and successful New Year 2013 to all Defenders of the Philippine Sabah Claim...

Photo of the Consecration of HM Sultan Muedzul Lail T Kiram, 35th Sultan of Sulu and North Borneo (Sabah) in September 2012 in Maimbung, Sulu, seat of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo (Sabah); shown in the picture together with HRH Pangian Mellany S. Kiram.

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