THE REAL SULTAN OF SULU IS NOT ON FACEBOOK unlike this FAKE duo who only exist on Facebook. He is an IMPOSTOR OR FAKE perpetuated by his handler who is also posing as a Grand Prince Marshal and changed his name to Omar Kiram and who does not have a single drop of Kiram blood running through his veins. OMAR KIRAM IS A CON-ARTIST AND AN IMPOSTOR!
He used to be called as Dux de Legazpi which is also a fake name. He went by many aliases to defraud people. I was one of their supporters in the past until I discovered their fakery. I confronted Omar with some questions but since he knows he is FAKE he could not sustain our argument, so he retreated.
I was conferred a Lady Master title albeit FAKE that I rejected and returned to them. Omar then put me in their FAKE Royal kangaroo court and gave me a persona non grata verdict, as if I care! I fought back by spending my own resources to uncover and research for the truth about the Sultanate of Sulu. Since then, Omar has sent his attack dogs after me to attack me personally to take my focus away from him and Fuad. But they have FAILED because I am armed with the SWORD OF TRUTH. I CAN TAKE THEM ALL AT THE SAME TIME FOR I AM ON THE SIDE OF TRUTH!
I challenged them to sue me so we would know who is who and so I can unmask the real identity of Omar "FAKE" Kiram. That was two years ago. Understandably so, Omar does not want a real appearance in any court because then he will go to jail for his misdeeds. The Fake Sultan Fuad and Grand Prince Marshal Omar "FAKE" Kiram only existed on Facebook and those who support them are either unsuspecting followers or a bunch of KSPs who have delusion for grandeur we call Farmvillers.
Furthermore, even if
we take into consideration Fuad and Omar's lame use of Law of Primogeniture
which is not what the Sulu Sultanate goes by, FUAD STILL IS NOT GOING TO BE THE
SULTAN. The law passes on to the FIRST BORN which Fuad is NOT. Sultan Ismael's
first born son is Mahakuttah, elder brother of Fuad. And Mahakuttah's eldest
son is Muedzul-lail. This is another story where Omar and Fuad stole Fuad's
nephew, Muedzul-lail or Butch's right from him.
The Sulu Sultanate's Royal succession is pre-determined by the Ruma Bichara or the Royal Council and NOT the law of primogeniture. BEFORE ONE CAN BECOME SULTAN, ONE HAS TO BE CHOSEN FIRST AS THE RAJA MUDA OR CROWN PRINCE and not necessarily a son but one chosen by the Sultan and the Ruma Bichara. When the Sultan dies, the Raja Muda is then proclaimed Sultan by the Ruma Bichara and chooses his own Raja Muda.
Sultan Esmael's (Mahakuttah and Fuad's father) Raja Muda was his own brother: Datu Punjungan, father of Jamalul, Ismail, Agbimuddin, Nasser, etc. So when Sultan Esmail died, Punjungan was in Sabah at that time, Jamalul was declared the interim Sultan by the Ruma Bichara headed by Princess Tarhata and the Royal heirs. When Punjungan returned from Sabah in 1980, he was formally proclaimed as Sultan by the Ruma Bichara in a public ceremony in Sulu. Sultan Punjungan's Raja Muda was also proclaimed -- and that was Jamalul, who succeeded as Sultan of Sulu when Punjungan died.
The Sulu Sultanate's Royal succession is pre-determined by the Ruma Bichara or the Royal Council and NOT the law of primogeniture. BEFORE ONE CAN BECOME SULTAN, ONE HAS TO BE CHOSEN FIRST AS THE RAJA MUDA OR CROWN PRINCE and not necessarily a son but one chosen by the Sultan and the Ruma Bichara. When the Sultan dies, the Raja Muda is then proclaimed Sultan by the Ruma Bichara and chooses his own Raja Muda.
Sultan Esmael's (Mahakuttah and Fuad's father) Raja Muda was his own brother: Datu Punjungan, father of Jamalul, Ismail, Agbimuddin, Nasser, etc. So when Sultan Esmail died, Punjungan was in Sabah at that time, Jamalul was declared the interim Sultan by the Ruma Bichara headed by Princess Tarhata and the Royal heirs. When Punjungan returned from Sabah in 1980, he was formally proclaimed as Sultan by the Ruma Bichara in a public ceremony in Sulu. Sultan Punjungan's Raja Muda was also proclaimed -- and that was Jamalul, who succeeded as Sultan of Sulu when Punjungan died.
Datu Fuad 'Huwad' Kiram, the cousin of Jamalul Kiram III, proclaimed
himself Sultan in a basketball court in Taguig with no Royal dignitary present.
He then declared Omar whom he met in 2004 as a Grand Prince Marshal. These IMPOSTORS are using royal-sounding titles to defraud people. Fuad is destitute and Omar pays for his rent so he
went along with this charade because of money making scams by Omar, the Master
According to Fuad's third wife Farida who he left while pregnant, Omar sold Datuk title to foreigners and other scams he does for money using a FAKE Royal title. Fuad had signed the settlement to sell off Sabah to Malaysia. The only signature that is missing in that settlement is Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, thus, preventing Malaysia from legally owning Sabah. This started during the Cory administration up to Ramos administration. They thought that since Ramos and Jamalul are compadres, Ramos will be able to convince Jamalul into signing the settlement offered by Malaysia.
But Jamalul was and still is steadfast in his refusal to sell off Sabah because he said, "HONOR IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN MONEY. I WANT SABAH BACK FOR MY PEOPLE!" Fuad on the other hand had sold his family out to Omar and until now still continues to create division among the Kiram family. I wouldn't doubt it a bit that Fuad and Omar are paid off by Malaysia to hinder the Sultanate's reclamation of Sabah. Check out some of the proof attached to the link below. Not only that Fuad and Omar are IMPOSTORS, they are also HARAM!
~~ By Admin MDHAccording to Fuad's third wife Farida who he left while pregnant, Omar sold Datuk title to foreigners and other scams he does for money using a FAKE Royal title. Fuad had signed the settlement to sell off Sabah to Malaysia. The only signature that is missing in that settlement is Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, thus, preventing Malaysia from legally owning Sabah. This started during the Cory administration up to Ramos administration. They thought that since Ramos and Jamalul are compadres, Ramos will be able to convince Jamalul into signing the settlement offered by Malaysia.
But Jamalul was and still is steadfast in his refusal to sell off Sabah because he said, "HONOR IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN MONEY. I WANT SABAH BACK FOR MY PEOPLE!" Fuad on the other hand had sold his family out to Omar and until now still continues to create division among the Kiram family. I wouldn't doubt it a bit that Fuad and Omar are paid off by Malaysia to hinder the Sultanate's reclamation of Sabah. Check out some of the proof attached to the link below. Not only that Fuad and Omar are IMPOSTORS, they are also HARAM!
Lioness of Sabah
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