
Friday 20 December 2013


"The video showed that Mayor Binay's aides were armed with armalites and semi-automatics. They were seen cocking their guns as if they were ready for war. Senator Nancy Binay was seen just watching without even attempting to intervene and do the right thing. It only means that she and her brother have the same corrupt, ego/power-tripping mentality."

By Marlene Howe
20 December 2013

Background: Social media is buzzing with criticisms over the extraordinary incident involving Mr Binay Junior, mayor of Makati City and son of Vice-President Jejomar Binay, one of the frontrunners come presidential election 2016, and three security guards of a posh Makati subdivision. Mr Binay, in an amazing display of power had the three guards arrested for refusing his convoy passage through the subdivision. The Inquirer news published a CCTV footage of the incident:
Senator Alan Cayetano said that DILG should investigate this incident involving the son of Vice-President Jojo Binay who is also the mayor of the industrial district of Makati. Mayor Junjun Binay wielded his power against the poor security guards and ordered their arrest for doing their job. But obviously, Mayor Binay and his sister, Senator Nancy Binay, don't want to follow the rules because they feel they are above any rule of law.

Mayor Junjun Binay was arrogant and delivered the classic ego/power-tripping phrase, DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? He  may be the mayor of Makati but certainly not above the law! Will Mar Roxas, as DILG Secretary do the right thing and take action on this blatant abuse of power? And will President Aquino support this action? This is the time to show your impartiality and do your job of making public officials accountable for their actions. The video and testimonies from the witnesses should be enough to prove the case.

The video showed that Mayor Binay's aides were armed with armalites and semi-automatics. They were seen cocking their guns as if they were ready for war. Senator Nancy Binay was also seen just watching without even attempting to intervene and do the right thing. It only means that she and her brother have the same corrupt, ego/power-tripping mentality..

Their father, the Vice-President also gave a lame excuse for his children's behavior saying that they, his children deserve some courtesy. What courtesy are you talking about, VP Binay? You mean they have to be given a pass not to follow the rules that other high profile and prominent people follow including foreign diplomats? What makes them above everybody else? You are a poor excuse of a father and public servant and you only proved that you have a corrupt mind as well and therefore, YOU DON'T DESERVE TO WORK FOR US! 

In fact, none of you deserve to be in the position of power because you are abusive and corrupt. It's a common knowledge that your children lack the experience to be leaders but because of your money and power they were put in the position of public trust. The Binays only proved to be UNTRUSTWORTHY of public trust. REMEMBER THIS, THE PEOPLE ARE YOUR BOSSES AND YOU ARE THE EMPLOYEES! 


Below is the incident reported in the Philippine Inquirer so you know what happened:

The general manager of the DasmariƱas Village Association (DVA) on Thursday defended the three guards who barred the convoy of Makati Mayor Junjun Binay from using the gate of the subdivision on Banyan and McKinley Roads on Nov. 30, saying they did nothing wrong.
“The rules apply to everybody,” DVA general manager Mike Bucoy said on Thursday. He said the subdivision did not have a “VIP policy.”
Bucoy was referring to the village policy prohibiting the exit of vehicles from the gate after 10 p.m.
The Inquirer reported on Wednesday that Binay had ordered the arrest of the three security guards after his convoy, which included his sister Sen. Nancy Binay, was prevented from using the gate close to midnight three weeks ago.
The guards insisted that the group could not pass through the gate, citing the village policy. The source interviewed by the Inquirer said the same policy was being followed by high-profile residents.

The 187-hectare DasmariƱas Village is home to the embassies of China, the Czech Republic, Egypt, India, Mexico, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Sri Lanka and Turkey, and the consulates of Oman and Vanuatu.

Prominent politicians and celebrities who reside there include Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile, former Sen. Joker Arroyo, former Tarlac Rep. Peping Cojuangco, former Speaker Jose de Venecia and singer Sharon Cuneta.
According to the source and the CCTV footage released by, Binay called for the police who then arrested the three security guards.

Asked if the guards were reprimanded for what happened, Bucoy said they were alright and were still working at the village.
“Wala namang mali na ginawa iyong mga guards ko (Our guards did nothing wrong),” he said.
This was echoed by Inquirer columnist and television host Solita “Winnie” Collas-Monsod who said: “The guards were correct… And Mayor Binay was obviously wrong. He was taking advantage of his position and trying to be above the law. And anything that goes above the law is wrong.”
Read more here.
Marlene Howe is co-Founder and Administrator of the Philippine Sabah Claim Forum and of the Defenders of Philippine Sabah and Spratly Claims community as well as  administrator of this blog. Ms Howe is US based but keeps a home in the Philippines.

Thursday 12 December 2013


So much of the country's pork barrel funds have gone to waste financing not-so-important projects to gain political leverage and to line the private pockets of politicians. Poverty has been an ongoing problem and keeps the country in third world status when in fact, we should be one of the richest countries in the world because of our rich and immense natural resources. But our leaders have failed to capitalize on those because of their self-serving agenda.

By Marlene D. Howe
12 December 2013

There have been many posts on Facebook regarding leadership in the Philippines. The recent earthquake and typhoon Yolanda that hit the Central Visayas -- and before that the Zamboanga siege, showed the inept ability of our government leaders to deal with crisis as well as their selfish agenda and hubris. Someone mentioned that perhaps our culture has something to do with the way we are. How come then that developed countries seem to be more productive while we cannot seem to get ahead? We are regressing instead of progressing! 
Basically, all cultures are similar from the ancient days when our forefathers hunted for food. Culture only plays a part in our poverty because of failed leadership. Let's use Singapore as an example. The country, though smaller than ours, is much progressive than the Philippines thanks to leadership. But I put the blame on the people in general for voting for the same inutile trapos to the seat of power.

Here's my take on leadership in the Philippines compared to that of our neighboring country like Japan and our failure in readiness:
So much of the country's pork barrel funds went to waste financing not-so-important projects to gain political leverage and to line the private pockets of politicians. Poverty has been an ongoing problem and keeps the country in the third world status when in fact, we are supposed to be one of the richest countries in the world because of our rich and immense natural resources. But our leaders have failed to capitalize on those because of their self-serving agenda. They have not even thought of ways to prepare for catastrophic events like typhoon that has been a part of our life since time immemorial. We are geographically located in a disaster-prone area and yet our government does not have a plan or programs in placed to mitigate losses, recover and rehabilitate. Only the elites and those in the position of power to steal from the people get richer and the majority gets poorer.
There's a big difference between Japan and the Philippines. That is LEADERSHIP! I can't help compare the two countries because while Japan was able to rise up amidst the rubble of war and became an economic power, the Philippines in contrast, remains in the pit of misery. Japan also has emergency programs worth emulating. We have seen that during the tsunami and Fukushima disaster. The world saw how calm and organized their recovery methods are and there are designated refugee centers throughout the country with well-stocked emergency supplies.

In comparison to the Philippines, kung kelan tayo may calamity saka pa lang tayo mangangapa! (We prepare for calamity when it's there.) The recent typhoon Yolanda proved our inability to handle crisis once more. And though we received a lot of foreign donations, many of them were left rotting in the warehouse and many were sold to the grocery stores. Chaos and pandemonium in the aftermath of the typhoon went out of control because our politicians were busy in power tripping and finger-pointing.
Incidentally, I have said the same thing many times in the past comparing the Japanese leaders to our kapit-tuko disgraced politicians. Japanese leaders embroiled in disgraceful controversy commit hara-kiri or seppuku (suicide) while ours keep the status quo and lie to their teeth. Sila na ang may kasalanan, sila pa ang galit! I don't advocate suicide as it is a sin in many religious beliefs and culture. But at least, they should have the decency to resign from their post for the good of the country so our leaders can focus on other important issues. Japanese people also don't vote for someone with known questionable background unlike the Filipinos who keep voting for the same corrupt trapos and unqualified and inutile celebrities or political dynasty for a measly sum or celebrity status. 

The Filipino voters can't seem to separate personal admiration or adulation of the celebrity from the qualities of a true public servants. This has been the cycle that our people seem to be uninterested to change. Complacency and apathy became the norm. Our current desolate state is the manifestation of our reckless and "bahala na" attitude. Change comes from within! If we change our mindset, we can affect TRUE CHANGE by voting for the right reason and not for selfish reason. Vote for the right candidates because you know and you believe these people have honest desire to serve the people. If the candidate/s turned out to be corrupt or inept, don't vote for that person again. If we do this, our politicians will be more conscientious in their job knowing that come next election they will be out of job. We, the people have that power to hire and fire public servants. Let's be conscientious and not sell our votes. This is what PATRIOTISM is all about! Show love for the country by doing the right thing. 


Marlene Howe is co-Founder and Administrator of the Philippine Sabah Claim Forum and of the Defenders of Philippine Sabah and Spratly Claims community as well as  administrator of this blog. Ms Howe is US based but keeps a home in the Philippines.

Year 2013 will be remembered as the Aquino Govt's anti-Filipino and anti-Philippine sovereignty year

And the latest shocker: The incompetence and the corruption continue! Mr Aquino and his agents played and are playing partisan politics as Tacloban and the rest of the Visayas 'burned' and continue to burn in the post Yolanda-Haiyan catastrophe.

By Anne de Bretagne
12 December 2013
for the Philippine Sabah Claim Forum

On the Philippine front: Year 2013 has been for me a most disappointing year.

Firstly, because whatever one says, Mr Aquino and many in his Govt of merry men gave up Panatag Shoal without batting an eyelash. The Philippine Navy until the reign of Mr Aquino had always fought to keep Panatag Shoal despite their meagre assets. In the 90s, the PN did not allow poachers in it and kept intruders in check. Today, we can say goodbye to Panatag Shoal. Yes, the Philippines has raised the issue to the United Nations but I am under no illusion that even if the UN verdict is in our favour, Panatag will not be returned to PH. Let's face it: China has succeeded in stationing themselves right in our EEZ and there's nothing much we can do about it because the man who is supposed to lead this country does not possess the moral courage and the mental acumen to lead and do something about it.

Secondly, the Sabah stand off showed the true colours of the President of the Republic by overtly siding with Prime Minister Najib and the Malaysian murderers of Tausugs who had gone to Sabah to stake their claim. Mr Aquino, in his bid to honour the memory of his father and his so-called promise to the Malaysians, wittingly left out the Tausugs in his hurry to form the Malaysia-engineered Bangsamoro with the MILF rebels.

Thirdly: Filipinos then discovered the massive corruption industry that's been keeping Philippine politics alive and thriving which is also known as the Pork Barrel Corruption industry! The industry is still thriving last time I read the news but just renamed: DAP.

Fourthly: And while PH was still reeling from the incredibly corrupt Pork Barrel Corruption industry shock, Filipinos began killing each other in the South. The President led the charge in killing Filipinos. I am convinced that the Zamboanga "stand-off" was an offshoot of this Govt's pro-Malaysia stand that saw the unecessary killings of our own.

And the latest shocker: The incompetence and the corruption continue! Mr Aquino and his agents played and are playing politics as Tacloban and the rest of the Visayas 'burned' and continue to burn in the post Yolanda-Haiyan catastrophe.

These are the major issues that haunt Year 2013 for me. Understandably, there are hundreds more of sub-issues but to list them down is just depressing so I prefer to limit the list to the above five. However, the year is not over and there remains a big question: Will there be any more anti-Filipino and anti-Ph sovereignty events or issues in store from the Aquino Govt for 2013?


Thursday 21 November 2013

The Taiwan Straits Crisis – A Hair’s Breadth from Annihilation

The Taiwan Straits Crisis – A Hair’s Breadth from Annihilation

Sixty years have come and gone, but the sun has yet to set on the Taiwan Straits Crisis. Stranded on the rocky island of secrecy amid the storms of the Cold War (1947-1991), the mists of time should not be permitted to veil the lessons that must be learned.  In the U.S. during the early 1950s, Eisenhower was in office, China was engaged in a civil war, the Soviets were antsy, and the Air Force longed to hear the words  ‘the pickle is hot’ indicating they were free to unload armaments. The only thing missing from the high-tension plot was a bevy of brilliant beauties unless, of course, you consider Madam Chiang Kai-shek and Hedy Lamar.
Like a fine dining experience, the Taiwan Straits crisis unfolds in courses paired with the appropriate drink. In the late 1920s, China engaged in a great civil war. Following the final gasp of the Qing Dynasty in 1917, China was an unwieldy briar patch. From the political vacuum of swirling cultures and societal chaos coupled with the sheer size of the country, two primary competing forces emerged; Mao Tse-tung who would be at the helm of the Peoples’ Republic of China (PRC) with a Communist agenda and Chiang Kai-Shek (ROC) who would lead the forces that did not want communism.

Saturday 19 October 2013

Jamalul Kiram III dies, daughter says sultan wants Pinoys to continue fight for Sabah

Jamalul Kiram III dies, daughter says sultan wants Pinoys to continue fight for Sabah
October 20, 2013 8:20 AM

UPDATE 4 - 9:14 a.m.) MANILA, Philippines - Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III passed away Sunday morning at the Philippine Heart Center (PHC) in Quezon City, the sultan's daughter Princess Jacel Kiram, told dzMM radio. 
Kiram, who fought to reclaim Sabah from Malaysia, died at 4:42 a.m. He was 75. 
He was supposed to undergo dialysis but his blood pressure dropped drastically prompting his family to rush the sultan to the PHC where he died due to multiple organ failure, according to Princess Jacel. 
"Iniwanan n'ya tayo [He left us] with something to move on. We have to continue fighting for the Filipino people," his daughter said. 
"Ang gusto n'ya tayo na lang ho ang magpatuloy for the Sabah case [What he wants is for us to pursue the Sabah case]," added Kiram's daughter. 
Princess Jacel said that before he died, her father said that, "You have to be strong dahil meron pa tayong misyon sa buhay. Kailangang maibalik kung ano ang dapat na maibalik sa atin You have to be strong because we still have a mission in life. What needs to be returned should be returned to us] ."  
She said Kiram also always told his family that, "Everything happens because the Almighty allowed it to happen." 
Kiram's remains were brought to his residence at Maharlika Village in Taguig City
Princess Jacel said their family would like to bury the sultan in Maimbung, Sulu within 24 hours. 
In February this year,  Kiram sent about 400 of his followers to Tanduao village in Sabah's remote coastal town of Lahad Datu to reclaim the territory. 
Kiram said he was prompted to send his people to Sabah after the Philippine government left them out of the framework agreement signed in October, which only catered to the interest of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).
It was Malaysia, which took over Sabah in 1963, that brokered the peace talks between the Philippine government and the MILF. 
While the MILF respects the Kiram family's claim to Sabah and won't stand in the way of that claim, it "will not revive the claim," according to Khaled Musa, deputy chairperson of the MILF's committee on information.   
Kiram, who ran but lost in the 2007 senatorial elections, was the acknowledged leader of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo. The sultanate based in Southern Philippines once controlled North Borneo, which is now known as Sabah.   
The sultanate acquired Sabah as a prize for helping the Sultan of Brunei against his enemies.
According to the sultante, it did not relinquish its sovereignty over Sabah and only leased the territory to the Briitish North Borneo Company starting in 1878.
Pajak, the keyword in the 1878 pact
The keyword in the 1878 agreement between the Kiram family and Gustavo von de Overbeck of the Briitish North Borneo Company was pajak. The Kirams maintain that pajak means lease. But Malaysian authorities define pajak as sale. 
The lease continued until the independence and formation of the Malaysian federation in 1963, which included Sabah.
Because of Sabah's inclusion, the Philippine government during the presidency of Diosdado Macapagal, broke diplomatic relations with Malaysia.
It was during Macapagal's term when then reigning Sultan of Sulu, Muhammad Esmail E. Kiram I, ceded to the Philippine government the full sovereignty, title, and dominion of Sabah to the Republic of the Philippines. This gave the Philippine government the full authority to pursue its claim to Sabah in international courts. 
But starting in 1989, succeeding administrations put the Sabah claim on the back burner and instead decided to pursue economic and security relations with Malaysia.
P70,000 for 7 million hectares 
Up to now, the heirs of the sultanate receive rental money for Sabah from the Malaysian government. 
Sabah’s total land area is 7.36 million hectares or almost one-fourth of the Philippines, which is 30 million hectares.
Annually, the Malaysian government pays the heirs of the Sultanate of Sulu, 5,300 Malaysian ringgit currently equivalent to P70,000. If pajak is defined as rent, it means that Malaysia’s annual rent of Sabah is only .009 centavos per hectare. 
According to Kiram, the rent they receive only proves that the sultante owns Sabah
"Why should we leave our own home? In fact, they are paying rent (to us)," Kiram earlier told reporters in Manila
"Our followers will stay in Lahad Datu. Nobody will be sent to the Philippines. Sabah is our home," he added.

Sultan Jamalul Kiram III has passed away

We have learned with profound sadness that HM Sultan Jamalul Kiram III passed away today 20 October 2013.

The Philippine Sabah Claim Forum, its founders, administrators, members, friends and supporters would like to express their heartfelt condolences to the family of Princess Jacel H. Kiram-Hasan for their loss and that of the Tausug people.

Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, the leader of the group of Sultanate royal forces who sailed to Sabah in February this year to stake their claim, was the visible face and voice of the nation's claim to Sabah. It was Sultan Jamalul who brought back the Republic's claim to Sabah to the fore when his loyal forces chose to do battle with Kuala Lumpur troops despite the hostility of the Philippine government early this year and despite overwhelming odds.

The nation has lost an admirable man, a formidable leader and a great proponent of the Philippine claim to Sabah who had said time and time again that Sabah belonged to the Philippine Republic and to the Filipino people.

May His Majesty rest in peace.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Sultanate won’t give up fight over Sabah

Sultanate won’t give up fight over Sabah

AS the Muslim community celebrates Eid’l Adha, the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo on Tuesday assured that it will never abandon its territorial claim over Sabah.
Sultanate Spokesman and Secretary-General Abraham Idjirani said that they have no plans of giving up their fight to regain Sabah from the Malaysia  despite the lack of support from the Philippine government.
“The claim of the Sultanate of Sulu over Sabah through the GRP [Government of the Republic of the Philippines] is now abandoned by the Philippine government,” he said.
Because of that, he added, “the Sultanate is compelled to pursue independently the claim, acting on its historic and legal rights over Sabah.”
He said the continued presence of Raja Muda (crown prince) Agbimuddin Kiram to Sabah, along with the 200 fighters of the Royal Security Forces (RSF) only proves their assertion of their sovereign and proprietary rights over the territory.
“The RSF remained in Lahad Datu, maintaining a defensive stand to avoid further clashes with the Malaysian security forces,” Idjirani said.
The sultanate’s presence in Sabah, Idjirani added, also hopes to prove to the international community that Malaysia does not respect international agreements as in the case of the Manila Accord of 1963.
Malaysia is a mere administrator of Sabah as the issue is still pending resolution in the UN since 1962,” Idjirani said.
He said the RSF fighters  were continuously repositioning in controlled areas to avoid an encounter with the Malaysian forces, which is in compliance with the previous call of the United Nations for sobriety.
On February, Sultan Jamalul Kiram 3rd sent his brother, Raja Muda  to Sabah, along with 200 fighters to revive the sultanate’s long-standing claim over the resource-rich Sabah.
The intrusion prompted the Malaysian military to launch offensive operations to flush out Kiram’s armed followers.
A total of 68 members of the sultanate’s fighters and 10 Malaysian policemen and soldiers were killed in the series of clashes.
According to Idjirani, seven months after the cessation of hostilities, the RSF in Sabah has grown to 1,600 men, backed up by volunteers from the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF). RITCHIE A. HORARIO

Monday 30 September 2013

Who will benefit from an independent "Islamic state of Mindanao"? Why, Malaysia, of course!

In a July 2012 blog of mine, immediately after the Malaysia-inspired GPH-MILF panels came up with their "talking points" for the Framework Agreement which was engineered by Malaysia, I more or less predicted that if you aren't happy with your PH passport, pretty soon you could opt for a MILF passport: "FILIPINO PASSPORT, NOT GOOD ENOUGH? PRETTY SOON, YOU CAN OPT TO HAVE MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front Republic) PASSPORT"

Well, looks like a group is now preparing the ground for just that! In picture is one of their banners: picture of a so-called 'Islamic state of Mindanao' and it's very own 'passport.'

Very soon, President Aquino and his MILF counterpart (egged on by Malaysia deal "engineers") might just present us with an independent Bangsamoro which could even federate with Malaysia in the future. Naknampucha! The beginning of the dismantling of the Republic! Some guys in Malacanang should hang their heads in shame!

When that happens, DON'T CRY FILIPINAS!

We at Philippine Sabah Claim Forum have been telling everybody over and over again, ad nauseum, that this so-called peace deal being engineered by Malaysia is NOT for our good but for the good of Malaysia. Why? Because those bleeding Malaysians will do anything, even make Filipinos kill Filipinos (thanks to our great commander-in-chief) so they could keep Sabah. It's up to Filipinos to stop the future dismantling of the Republic.

~ AdB
For the Philippine Sabah Claim Forum
01 October 2013

Friday 27 September 2013

Manila's UN challenge vs China over disputed waters gathers pace behind 'formidable' legal team

Manila's UN challenge vs China over disputed waters gathers pace behind 'formidable' legal team

HONG KONG - The Philippines' legal challenge against China's claims in the South China Sea is gathering pace, emerging as a "proxy battle" over Beijing's territorial reach.
Manila has assembled a crack international legal team to fight its unprecedented arbitration case under the United Nations' Convention on the Law of the Sea - ignoring growing pressure from Beijing to scrap the action.
Any result will be unenforceable, legal experts say, but will carry considerable moral and political weight.
The Philippines has invested a "huge amount of political capital in this legal gambit and it wants to ensure success regardless of the cost," said security scholar Ian Storey of Singapore's Institute of South East Asian Studies.
"If the Philippine team submits a less than convincing case...this would be very embarrassing for Manila and put it right back to square one in its dispute with China.
"Beijing would also be emboldened to pursue its claims even more assertively than it has been doing over the past few years."
Beyond the legal questions, the case carries political and diplomatic risks and is being closely watched by Japan and Vietnam, locked in their own disputes with China over sea territory, officials from both countries say.
The United States, which is deepening military ties with the Philippines, a longstanding treaty ally, is also watching.
The legal battle mirrors tensions at sea, where China and the Philippines eye each other over rival occupations of the Scarborough and Second Thomas shoals.
Chinese vessels occupied Scarborough after a tense two-month standoff between rival vessels last year - a move some regional analysts have described as an effective annexation by Beijing.
The Philippines accused China of further encroachment when a naval frigate and two other ships steamed within five nautical miles of a dilapidated transport ship that Manila ran aground on Second Thomas Shoal in 1999 to mark its territory.
One Asian envoy from a non-claimant country said: "We are watching and worrying about an accident or miscalculation sparking an armed confrontation. So in some ways this growing legal fight looks like the proxy battle, you could say."
Overlapping claims in the South China Sea - traversed by half the world's shipping tonnage - are one of the region's biggest flashpoints amid China's military build-up and the U.S. strategic "pivot" back to Asia.
The claims of the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei are bisected by China's "nine-dash line" - the historic claim that reaches deep into the maritime heart of Southeast Asia.
European states, Russia, India and South Korea are also monitoring events, given the sea's shipping lanes and potential oil and gas resources, diplomats and military officials say.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

US Navy officer's (Ret) memo to leaders in PH Govt: Strengthen 'Institutional Performance' to diminish 'Drivers of Conflict'

Admins' note: There has been no respite this year for the widely-perceived incompetent Aquino Govt: the Tausug siege of Sabah that saw Suluks and Tausugs murdered by Kuala Lumpur troops while Pres Aquino merely delivered ultimatums from PM Najib of Malaysia, the billion-peso 'pork barrel' scam of which the 'accused' Janet Napoles has not been charged formally as of this writing, revelations of corruption scandals one after another, culminating in the armed conflict in Zamboanga which observers fear could ignite a full-scale war in Mindanao. The author issues a memo to remind leaders in Govt that... 

Unless the PHL strengthens "Institutional Performance," it will never be able to diminish "Drivers of Conflict."

By Sam Marcelo
25 September 2013

We had wargamed this before and had had proven that in a conflict environment, institutional performance is paramount in diminishing drivers of conflict. Alas, with the corruption brought about by pork barrel, and the Aquino administration miscalculation that caused the Zamboanga MNLF uprising, drivers of conflict will continue to flourish.

Drivers of conflict include but are not limited to: political impact of illicit wealth, economic incentive for conflict, effects of economic decline, injustice, impunity, political violence, threat from ex-combatant, popular support for violent factions, external destabilization, social disintegration, population displacement, social cleavages, and etc.

Institutional Performance include but are not limited to: public confidence in the govt, transparency, accountability, fiscal integrity, infrastructure, access to basic needs, provision of basic social services, public order and safety, equality before the law, administration of justice, respect for human rights, reconciliation processes, and etc.

The "Drivers of Conflict" and "Institutional Performance" have their respective measures and methodology that needed to be implemented and preferred trends that needed to be observed.

~~ o ~~

Sam Marcelo is a United States Navy officer (retired). Sam comes from a long line of naval officers. His father, VAdmiral Virgilio P Marcelo, (AFP) was one of the most respected flag-officers-in-command of the Philippine Navy. This memo is also posted on the Philippine Sabah Claim Forum where Sam is a member.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Misuari did not dig in the "pork barrel": he was poor when he was ARMM governor, was poor when he was jailed and remains poor today

Architects of the 1976 Tripoli Agreement
"ARMM has had a total of 6 governors in the following chronological order: Candao, Misuari, Hussin, Ampatuan, and now Hataman. Three governors have now followed him. Misuari was detained for 7 years when the Council of 15 under Sema broke off.

"During his term as governor, Misuari became vociferous about his inability to implement improvements because the ARMM budget was deceptive."

By Yolanda Ortega Stern
22 September 2013

DAY 13 - Story unleashed: "Blame Misuari. He failed miserably as governor of ARMM. He had the biggest opportunity. He lived like a king, stayed in a 5 Star hotel, enriched himself. He was a revolutionary who did not know how to run ARMM."

It's not as simple as that.

In 1996, after the peace agreement, we, the Federation of Philippine American Chambers of Commerce, signed Misuari's first memorandum of Agreement for Cooperation to help Mindanao. The ARMM office was made accessible to me. I traveled and listened to the people in many "Extraordinary People's Congress" and became hooked to solving the incredible problems of my own Mindanao. So here is a very digested response to the moment...

ARMM has had a total of 6 governors in the following chronological order: Candao, Misuari, Hussin, Ampatuan, and now Hataman. Three governors have now followed him. Misuari was detained for 7 years when the Council of 15 under Sema broke off.

During his term as governor, Misuari became vociferous about his inability to implement improvements because the ARMM budget was deceptive. It was not ARMM's but merely a transfer of administrative responsibilities to the governor's budget: 88% went to paying the salaries of over 18,000 teachers, some employed under Marcos yet; 10 % went to capital expenditures such as the Cotabato Ofc; a mere 2% went to operations.

As to the "5-Star Hotel", he held office at the seedy Admiral Hotel next to other offices, because it was cheaper than buying or renting a building that could accommodate the hundreds of people who lined up daily asking for the moon and offering financial instruments. Misuari was poor when he became governor, remained poor when he was jailed, is still poor today. He does not even own a house or a condo of his own.

Two other governors, Parouk Hussin and Zaldy Ampatuan served for almost a decade after him and a temporary OIC was appointed in the person of Mujiv Hataman who was elected in the last election and still serves.

Those succeeding governors had better luck in that funding poured in from foreign countries. But in the last decade under 3 governors, peace, happiness and prosperity have not yet come to the poor of Mindanao and some are still blaming Misuari. Some even label him a "spent force". In an ironic twist, even his old Presidents went or are in detention themselves. Misuari was audited 8 times and was cleared 8 times.

So forward the tape to today...

PGMA began the shift to the MILF and to the Sema MNLF, a move President Aquino adopted under advisement of no less than some old advisors with the nod of some foreign countries. Remember Ambassador Kirsty Kenney who undertook a few trips to KL to meet the MILF.

At that point, the Misuari MNLF had been negotiating for limited autonomy under the 5 technical working groups that PGMA requested. They had bent over backwards day and night with their Central Committee for two of PGMA's terms for a political solution. Misuari always believed in nothing less than a political solution to end 600 years of stress. Nothing moved. Then President Aquino comes into power, and proceeds to adapt the PGMA initiative. He goes to Singapore and offers the MILF limited autonomy and the Bangsamoro framework, exactly what Misuari had been asking for.

At the last tripartite meeting, I got unconfirmed reports that the OIC asked the Indonesian Embassy to inform Misuari that GPH had abrogated the 1996 Peace Agreement and that the decision was "irreversible". To add salt to the wound, the splinter MNLF supports the Framework.

It is important to understand that Misuari is not a dictator. He represents the confluent voices of Mindanao Moslems, Lumads and many Christians. The MILF is also claiming that the BMF is also for all Mindanaons.

President Aquino's election was a high note for Misuari and the Philippines. We were filled with hope and thought he would heal Mindanao like his father did.

Those born after 1976 and after 1996 must study all the agreements past and present in order to understand. Better yet, spend every free time reading up the history of the PH and Mindanao from all perspectives, and this will take half a decade. But you will learn to make educated judgements and you will raise your children with true knowledge of why Mindanao has failed at peace for the last 600 years.

"Men work together, whether they wok together or apart." R. Frost


Yolanda Ortega Stern, Ph.D. is the President of One World Institute (OWI), a Northern California-based non-profit, public benefit corporation registered in the United States and in the Philippines. Link: Ms Stern is also a member of the Philippine Sabah Claim Forum. This article is published with her  permission.


Related story:  Nur Misuari as leader of the ARMM and MNLF
By John Unson ( | Updated September 11, 2013 - 1:55pm

Friday 20 September 2013

Thursday 19 September 2013

On Malaysia-engineered GPH-MILF peace deal: A referendum must be held for people to decide

The Malaysia-engineered GPH-MILF peace agreement must be submitted to the nation for a referendum.

Why? Because it is about giving up a portion of the country's sovereignty rights over 13 provinces in Southern Mindanao to a secessionist-separatist group of rebels that we know is under the influence of Kuala Lumpur. And the people must have a say.

We all know that the interest of Kuala Lumpur in this so-called "peace" deal with the MILF is not motivated by altruism. It is borne of strategic thinking: TO USE THE MORO ISLAMIC LIBERATION FRONT (MILF) and the Bangsamoro against the Republic of the Philippines and to thwart ambitions by the Republic to take Sabah back.

Why are we letting Kuala Lumpur put one over us? People must know that the Malaysia-engineered GPH-MILF peace deal IS HOLDING BECAUSE OF A CEASEFIRE that PH Govt signed with the MILF. Note that Malaysia's troops are stationed in Mindanao. If for whatever reason, the ceasefire is violated and an armed conflict between our troops and the MILF ensues, you can be assured that both Malaysia boots and the MILF will fight the troops of our sad Republic. BE WARNED.

~~ Administrators,
Defenders of Philippine Sovereignty blog
19 September 2013
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In picture: Philippine Army gives bronze medals to Malaysian troops in recognition of their efforts to monitor peace between PH Govt and separatist rebel group MILF.
Photo by Ferdinand Cabrera lifted from 

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Armed conflicts in Mindanao: Influenced by Malaysia to keep Sabah

All the events involving armed conflicts in Mindanao from 1968, 1969 and specifically in the early 70s until today between the Govt forces and Muslim rebel groups were triggered by the one standing unresolved issue between the Republic of the Philippines and Peninsular Malaysia: Sovereignty rights over Sabah or the Manila Accord. These 'events' have been "influenced" by Malaysia. 

- Malaysia commenced "influencing events" in Southern Mindanao immediately after the discovery of a plan by the Republic to take control of Sabah in 1968

- Malaysia's Tunku Abdul Razak (father of current Malaysia Prime Minister Najib) was the first PM to pour money into Muslim secessionist rebels who at the time were led by Nur Misuari (first chair of MNLF) and seconded by Hashim Salamat (founder of MILF)

- Malaysia's PM Mahathir as soon as he took over continued the exercise and improved Tunku Abdul Razak's modus operandi by modernising the Malaysian armed forces. He then poured resources after resources into and "enlarged" Muslim secessionist training camps in Sabah. Mahathir devoted a great deal of effort in the Islamisation of Sabah by allowing the influx of Muslims from all over the region and granting them Malaysia citizenship in exchange for their votes so that Barisan Nasional (his party) would remain in power. He was responsible for the nationalisation of the oil resources of Sabah and created PETRONAS that would control the industry.

- When FVR's Govt, finally concluded a peace deal with the MNLF in 1996 with the backing of the OIC, Malaysia realised that their attempts to sow trouble in Southern Mindanao through the MNLF of which they were patrons might be endangered. The MILF shunned the 1996 Peace Agreement. Mahathir trained his efforts on the break-away faction headed by Hashim Salamat aka MILF and funded and supported the rebel group.

- In 1998, President Estrada who had just been elected to the presidency, who was despised by Mahathir, decided to launch an offensive against the MILF after intel revealed that the MILF, fully armed with weapons from Malaysia (including missile systems that Mahathir had ordered earlier on) was gearing up for a full scale offensive against government military bases in the South. The AFP won.

- In 1999, the Sipadan hostage crisis took place. Sipadan is a Malaysian resort island. The hostage crisis began the long descent to hell of Estrada.

- In 2004, Gloria Macapagal accepted MILF's demand that Malaysia be the head of the monitoring team to supervise a Framework Agreement. Malaysian troops began to arrive in Southern Mindanao.

- Shortly thereafter, Senator Nene Pimentel questioned the wisdom of calling on Malaysia to oversee the proposed "peace talks" with the MILF invoking the fact that PH has a standing unresolved issue over Sabah

- In 2012, President Aquino handed over to Najib the signed "Talking points" for shared sovereignty between GPH and MILF

- In 2013, Sultanate of Sulu launched siege in Tanduo, Sabah in a bid to re-take Sabah; many Tausugs died; in September, MNLF decided to rally against the planned signing of the Malaysia-inspired wealth sharing agreement between GPH and MILF which is scheduled on 16 September, on the 50th anniversary of the illegal annexation of Sabah to the created Malaysia Federation.

The bottom line is that Malaysia has always put one over GPH in their bid to ensure that PH will never be able to turn around to re-claim Sabah.