
Thursday 19 September 2013

On Malaysia-engineered GPH-MILF peace deal: A referendum must be held for people to decide

The Malaysia-engineered GPH-MILF peace agreement must be submitted to the nation for a referendum.

Why? Because it is about giving up a portion of the country's sovereignty rights over 13 provinces in Southern Mindanao to a secessionist-separatist group of rebels that we know is under the influence of Kuala Lumpur. And the people must have a say.

We all know that the interest of Kuala Lumpur in this so-called "peace" deal with the MILF is not motivated by altruism. It is borne of strategic thinking: TO USE THE MORO ISLAMIC LIBERATION FRONT (MILF) and the Bangsamoro against the Republic of the Philippines and to thwart ambitions by the Republic to take Sabah back.

Why are we letting Kuala Lumpur put one over us? People must know that the Malaysia-engineered GPH-MILF peace deal IS HOLDING BECAUSE OF A CEASEFIRE that PH Govt signed with the MILF. Note that Malaysia's troops are stationed in Mindanao. If for whatever reason, the ceasefire is violated and an armed conflict between our troops and the MILF ensues, you can be assured that both Malaysia boots and the MILF will fight the troops of our sad Republic. BE WARNED.

~~ Administrators,
Defenders of Philippine Sovereignty blog
19 September 2013
For the
Defenders of Philippine Sabah & Spratly Claims community on Facebook
Philippine Sabah Claim Forum group on Facebook
Sabah Claim Society community on Facebook

In picture: Philippine Army gives bronze medals to Malaysian troops in recognition of their efforts to monitor peace between PH Govt and separatist rebel group MILF.
Photo by Ferdinand Cabrera lifted from 

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