
Monday 30 September 2013

Who will benefit from an independent "Islamic state of Mindanao"? Why, Malaysia, of course!

In a July 2012 blog of mine, immediately after the Malaysia-inspired GPH-MILF panels came up with their "talking points" for the Framework Agreement which was engineered by Malaysia, I more or less predicted that if you aren't happy with your PH passport, pretty soon you could opt for a MILF passport: "FILIPINO PASSPORT, NOT GOOD ENOUGH? PRETTY SOON, YOU CAN OPT TO HAVE MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front Republic) PASSPORT"

Well, looks like a group is now preparing the ground for just that! In picture is one of their banners: picture of a so-called 'Islamic state of Mindanao' and it's very own 'passport.'

Very soon, President Aquino and his MILF counterpart (egged on by Malaysia deal "engineers") might just present us with an independent Bangsamoro which could even federate with Malaysia in the future. Naknampucha! The beginning of the dismantling of the Republic! Some guys in Malacanang should hang their heads in shame!

When that happens, DON'T CRY FILIPINAS!

We at Philippine Sabah Claim Forum have been telling everybody over and over again, ad nauseum, that this so-called peace deal being engineered by Malaysia is NOT for our good but for the good of Malaysia. Why? Because those bleeding Malaysians will do anything, even make Filipinos kill Filipinos (thanks to our great commander-in-chief) so they could keep Sabah. It's up to Filipinos to stop the future dismantling of the Republic.

~ AdB
For the Philippine Sabah Claim Forum
01 October 2013

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