
Monday 6 May 2013

PH Election 2013: Senatorial candidates endorsed by the Philippine Sabah Claim Forum

PHILIPPINE ELECTION 2013: These are the senatorial candidates who spoke - in varying degrees of eloquence - about the Philippine Sabah claim following the Sabah stand off in February. From what we understand, these candidates, if they win, will raise the country's claim so all may know that the Republic has not given up on its people's claim. 

We need as many voices as we can gather for the country's Sabah claim. The fight will be tough because the current dispensation is very much against Philppine sovereignty rights over Sabah and will do everything and anything to stifle the voices for Sabah.

On the strength of their courage to speak for the country's sovereignty rights claim to Sabah and for speaking out for the Filipinos who were massacred by Kuala Lumpur troops, the Philippine Sabah Claim Forum group is endorsing the following candidates as compiled by PSCF co-founder and Admin MGA.

~~ Administrators
Philippine Sabah Claim Forum (Group)
Philippine Sabah and Spratly Claims (Community) 
06 May 2013

NB: We promise to hold each and every single one of them to their Sabah claim promise when they are finally elected senators of the Republic.


# 28 - Koko Pimentel -

# 21 - Marwil Llasos -

#27 - Ricardo Penson -
#31 - Eddie Villanueva -

#4 - Greco Belgica -

#16 - Edward Hagedorn -

#1 - Samson Alcantara -

# 6 - Teddy Casino -

#15 - Richard Gordon -

# 10 - Carlos de los Reyes -

#25 - Ramon Montano -

 #7 - Allan Cayetano - /

1 comment:

  1. it is ideal that people should write about who will they vote. they can do this by looking at their platform. they need to check out articles like
