
Sunday 21 April 2013

Sabah: Kuala Lumpur formulates Medieval Age tactics in the name of Sultan of Terangganu against Sulu Sultanate

The capture of Datu Amirbahar, a royal Kiram (in picture) and the spectre of death penalty against him is Malaysia king's -- and his Kuala Govt's, Medieval Ages  tactic meant as a message to the Sultanate of Sulu: "We will decimate you and we will have your land!"

Malaya Federation king, his Govt and troops waged war and terror on Sabah, not the Sultanate of Sulu
and North Borneo
The Courts of Malaya Federation's Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin of the Sultanate of Terannganu, have no right to accuse, arrest, detain and tell a royal member of the Sultanate of Sulu, a Suluk (Tausug resident of Sabah) no less, that he is facing the death penalty allegedly "because he is the Sultanate of Sulu's defence minister, for being a member of a terrorist group, and for waging war against the king of Malaysia".

It is the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo (Sabah) who should be pressing charges against the king of the Malaya Federation, his Kuala Lumpur Govt and their armies for bringing chaos, death and destruction to Sabah, to the Tausugs, to the Suluks, for waging terror and war against the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo (Sabah) and absolutely not the other way around.

It was Malaysia's armies - in the name of the Terangganu Sultanate's Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin who is currently the Malaya Federation's king, that launched an overkill against 230 men and women in Tanduo and not the other way around. It is Peninsular Malaysia that is illegally occupying Sabah and not the other way around.

A Medieval Age
(from 5th to 15th centuries) method of obtaining land, of extending a domain and of exercising political vendetta against a rival monarch

This accusation and death penalty arrangement formulated in the name of a foreign sultanate against Datu Amir, son of Sultan Bentalin Esmail Kiram II and nephew of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, is effectively a message from Kuala Lumpur to the Sultanate of Sulu: "We will decimate you and we will have your land."

With Datu Amir's arrest, detention of and death penalty being danggled against him,' Malaysia is attempting to hold the Sultanate hostage as they perpetuate the medieval form of political action to vanquish the enemy, obtain more land, in order to extend their political, military and economic power beyond their current realm.

And by threatening to kill no less than an immediate member of the current leaders of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo (Sabah), Kuala Lumpur wants the Sultanate of Sulu, its members, heirs and supporters to accept the most abject form of insult from an enemy, i.e., in order to reduce them to begging.

Objective: Sap the morale of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo (Sabah)
Understand that Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysa Federation and their so-called 'king of Malaysia' will do everything and anything to sap the morale of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo. They are forcing them to surrender rich, very rich Sabah unconditionally and with that happening, they are hoping that the Sultanate of Sulu and its heirs will be gone forever. Truly, the exercise is strangely similar to those practised in the Medieval Ages!

People must hoist it in - must understand - that this latest action by Malaysia is actually a message to all and it is meant to inflict the most savage form of Medieval Age political power vendetta play against the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo (Sabah), against the Tausug people, against the Suluks, and by extension, to show their contempt for the Filipino people.

Kuala Lumpur is already aware that the Filipinos of Luzon and Visayas and even some in Mindanao will not do anything because President Aquino has played his role to perfection; his fearmonger strategy has worked, i.e., the Filipinos have effectively 'capitulated.' But Kuala Lumpur wants the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo, the Tausugs, the people of the Sulu archipelago, the Suluks and their supporters in Sabah to do the same: to surrender Sabah unconditionally!

Beware! Malaysia will corrupt Filipinos to capture an even bigger royal catch:  Rajah Muda/Crown Prince Agbimuddin Kiram (in picture) 

Malaysia will try to corrupt every known Filipino in the Philippines, might even bribe members of the MILF to help in the hunt, to lay their hands on an even bigger royal catch: Raja Muda/Crown Prince Datu Agbimuddin Kiram, younger brother of  Jamalul III and Esmail II.... also known as Datu Puing, commander of the Sultanate Army in Sabah.

There is no doubt that  Malaysia king, through his government in Kuala Lumpur, is hoping that the capture of a crown prince will finally legitinise Peninusular Malaysia's illegal 50-year war for the control of Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo (Sabah) lands.

A Malaysian writer's implaccable logic about Sabah ownership:

In an article by Vidal Yudin Weil for the Free Malaysia Today dated March 9, 2013, the writer called Najib to task after Najib's pronouncement in Lahad Datu “The question of Sabah within Malaysia should not be disputed by anyone. Let not anyone underestimate Malaysia’s commitment to have Sabah within Malaysia forever. No one can dispute this, from within and outside the country. We will uphold the principle and fact of Sabah within Malaysia absolutely”.  
The Malaysian writer insisted that Najib was wrong: "Najib is wrong in making unilateral claims that Sabah belongs to Malaysia when historical legal documents and agreements may indicate otherwise."
The writer also enumerated the salient points in that Manila Accord:
  •    the inclusion of Sabah into the formation of Malaysia is subject to the Philippines claim; and
  •    the Philippines’ claim on Sabah must be settled in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) run by the United Nations.
With implaccable logic, he said: "Therefore, until such time when the ICJ has decided, Malaysia does not have absolute ownership of Sabah."
~ By AdB
For the Defenders of the Philippine Sabah and Spratly Claims
and for the Philippine Sabah Claim Forum
21 March 2013


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