
Tuesday 23 April 2013

"Grow some dignity!" Philippine Sabah Claim Forum member tells President Aquino

In his speech at the commencement exercises of the Philippine Military Academy Pudang Kalis class of 2013 in Baguio City, President Aquino attempted to defend himself (and to whine about his hair loss ) from growing criticisms for his inaction or wooly* position at best overMalaysia siege against Filipinos in Tanduo, Sabah stand-off.

Lawrence Igana of the 
Philippine Sabah Claim Forum gives Aquino a strong tap in his 'backside' which we hope will rouse the Philippine chief executive from his - borrowing from Manila Standard Today's Linda Jimeno - 'un-involved observer stance'.

Here's what Lawrence said: 'GROW SOME DIGNITY, MR PRESIDENT'

"Consider your position you say? What about the position of those who were actually in Sabah? Those who took action; may it be drastic and crude. Those who actually have the conscience to say "enough"? Have you considered their position Mr. President?

"We are all looking for a diplomatic solution which will give finality to this issue. What happened in Lahad Datu should not have happened if YOU as our President took a stand to at least assert which avenue we will take to have our stake noticed (which basing in all historical facts is valid).

"You are blaming the Kirams for their actions which led to the displacement of thousands of Filipino in Sabah. Well I guess the same can be said for your lack of action. The only difference is, our Muslim brothers who took part in the Lahad Datu siege actually have the balls. They'd much rather face death and fight for what is right, than to stand in the sideline while they see the rape of Sabah.

"Did you even have the guts to talk about this issue when the Sultan of Brunei visited the Philippines? Was it a part of your agenda sir? Or your only agenda is to lure the Sultan towards your sister?

"Procrastinating will not get this issue solved sir. I think by now you would have seen that it's obvious. Grow some dignity. Your father once said that the Filipinos are worth dying for. What say you?"


*'wooly' is a typical English expression to mean vague, intangible, unclear, etc...

NB: "GROW SOME DIGNITY, MR PRESIDENT!" is also posted on Defenders of the Philippine Sabah and Spratly Claims 

Link to Aquino speech: Speech of President Aquino during the commencement exercises of the Philippine Military Academy Pudang Kalis class, March 17, 2013 [English] 

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