
Friday 8 March 2013


If the President continues to support - and by his inaction implicitly lauds - Prime Minister Najib's 'slaughter-the-Filipino-Tausugs-to-the-last-man-in-Sabah' doctrine, Najib will be emboldened to send Malaysia troops to seize every walking male Tausug within Sulu itself. Is this what this President want to happen?

The brightest of the bright advisers of this not-so-bright president are equally to blame for the way this Sultanate Sabah business has been and is still being mishandled.

Don't the bright members of the President's entourage realise that Najib and his Kuala Lumpur cohorts will take President Aquino's wishy-washy stand, asking the Filipino nation - in time of national crisis - a most stupid question "But what do you want me to do?" as a license to go ahead and commit human rights abuses to every Filipino in Sabah?

Malaysia police and troops have begun rounding up Sabahan MyKad holders of Filipino Tausug extraction. And only God knows what abuses are being inflicted on them by the Malaysia Internal Security Act agents and on the displaced Filipinos who have no official identities in Sabah?

Don't the advisers to the President realise that this tetanised attitude of the President is a go signal for Malaysia to infiltrate Southern Philippines? That Najib, not a bright man himself, might take it in his head to attempt a much bolder step if he thinks Aquino has his back? Must the President wait until Malaysia military elements have crossed the Sea and landed on Sulu to snatch Tausugs before he realises that Najib's intentions are far from being honourable?

We need not remind the President and his brightest of the bright advisers that members of the Malaysian armed forces led by a senior star-ranking military officer are already in Mindanao for purposes of 'supervising' the Malaysia-engineered GPH-MILF framework agreement. It is easy to use that excuse to bring in Malaysian elements to do some serious dirty work.

Today, even Government doesn't know exactly how many Malaysian military people are already in Mindanao. But we have no doubt that immediately after the landing of the Sultanate Tausug fighters in Lahad Datu, Najib and Home Minister Hisham sent Malaysian military police intel and military elements  in disguise to Sulu and to the neighbouring provinces to "monitor" events in Southern Mindanao. They will not be dressed in military camouflage uniform but will be there.

The President has a duty to the country. He swore an oath to protect and defend the citizens of this country. There are no 'buts,' no 'becauses', no 'waits'... He can still stop the carnage and the abuses being inflicted on Filipinos, figthers and civilians, in Sabah by calling a Malaysia-PH summit to face the problem that has haunted the two countries for 51 years: the Philippine Sabah claim and the Republic's contractual obligation to represent the Sultanate of Sulu, the Tausugs and the Filipino nation in the International Court of Justice.

Mr President, we have just answered your "But what do you want me to do?" Now, get bloody cracking!

~~ Admins, Philippine Sabah Claim Forum 
07 March 2013

Poster by PSCF

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