
Saturday 7 September 2013

Rafael Alunan III, former DILG Chief: "We will remember come 2016 who neglected and harmed Inang Bayan again and again"

"I/we repeat: the breadth and depth of corruption in government - across the board and down the line - has diverted precious resources to dirty hands and pockets at the expense of modernizing the AFP, PNP, Coast Guard and the criminal justice system. That has, in turn, cost the country billions in lost revenues from fishing and, later, the potential loss of gas and oil revenues."
By Rafael Alunan III 
Facebook friends, as you are well aware I/we have been consumed by China's threat to our EEZ and territorial integrity, taking advantage of our evident weaknesses politically, economically, technologically and militarily.

Today, they have a military fortification on Mischief Reef which belongs to us; and they have cordoned off Scarborough which also belongs to us and have begun pre-construction activities. They are also applying pressure on our contingent at Ayungin Shoal on board a grounded rusty old vessel serving as their floating barracks.

I/we have also expressed our impatience and bewilderment as to what's taking the government so long to:

  • a. determine and acquire with deliberate speed the total needs of our armed forces to ably protect and defend our country and its EEZ;
  • b. organize a brain trust to find the funds needed for national security;
  • c. rally the government and the people to address the clear and present danger posed by China, as one united nation, and;
  • d. act decisively on China's annexation of Panatag which is clearly an act of undeclared war.
And it has brought us to realize that perhaps we do not have the right people in place to competently exercise their constitutional duty of protecting our EEZ, defending the country and upholding national honor and dignity.

That is truly an unforgivable cause for national insecurity on top of the corruption that has severely impacted national, human and ecological security through the years.

2016 is 3 years away and it seems this is the only thing consuming the government. If it manages to somehow curb corruption during this time and bring the plunderous saboteurs to justice, well and good. But that will be negated by the loss of maritime territory and the resources therein because of their negligence and incompetence.

If and when we reach the next presidential elections, I will surely campaign against all those who harmed the republic, be it through corruption or through criminal negligence.

I/we repeat: the breadth and depth of corruption in government - across the board and down the line - has diverted precious resources to dirty hands and pockets at the expense of modernizing the AFP, PNP, Coast Guard and the criminal justice system. That has, in turn, cost the country billions in lost revenues from fishing and, later, the potential loss of gas and oil revenues.

It caused poverty and hunger levels, unreachable health costs, poor quality of education; and the under- and unemployment rates to remain more or less unchanged. It caused the deaths and injuries to citizens, soldiers and policemen in insurgency and disaster prone areas that could have been avoided or reduced had the monies from collected taxes for mitigation and adaptation been spent entirely for their intended purposes.

We will remember come 2016 who neglected and harmed Inang Bayan again and again.

If you agree please LIKE and SHARE. Many thanks for your solidarity.

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*Former Secretary Alunan, Convenor of West Philippine Sea Coalition, served under two presidents of the Philippines. This post was published on his Facebook wall

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