
Tuesday 16 July 2013

Fraudulent Sulu sultanate claimant Datu Fuad Kiram aims to legitimize sting operation

We have just been informed that a group of charlatans headed by Datu Fuad Kiram and aided by his close-in handlers, are working hard, aiming 'hig'h in order to legitimise their sting operation and are exploiting the naivete of a UP student group: the UP Economics Society which is about to sponsor a symposium founded on the fraudulent claim by Datu Fuad Kiram and his handler Omar Kiram (not a Kiram nor a prince of the Tausug) that they are sultan of Sulu and Sabah and 'grand prince' of Sulu respectively.

We fear that the UP Economics Society which we understand is composed of students from the Philippine state university might be unwittingly lending their name to an economic scam by the group of Datu Fuad Kiram. The UP group must be informed. Their ignorance of Sabah claim history is most likely being exploited by said band of con artists.

We suggest that the UP Economics Society not allow the name of the University of the Philippines to be lent to such undertaking by a group of fraudulent sultanate of Sulu claimants.

However, if the UP student group could INVITE ALL THE CLAIMANTS TO THE THRONE TO THE SYMPOSIUM TO TACKLE THE Sulu Sultanate claim and to ask them about their purpose, then fine... Otherwise, the said UP students must exercise due diligence and inquire, get informed and learn about who is who in the Sultanate before they attach their name to a group of objectionable individuals such as Datu Fuad's and his handler's whose only purpose in life it seems is to use the nation's Sabah claim to try to get rich quick.

It is imperative for the members of the UP Economics Society not to risk their credibility as the nation's brightest of the bright students whose education is greatly subsidised by the Filipino taxpayers. One way to do it is to be cautious...extremely cautious that they are not exploited to satisfy the grandiose economic dream of Datu Fuad Kiram and his men for himself and for their band of fraudsters that can and will damage the nation's genuine claim to Sabah.

~ Administrators
Philippine Sabah Claim Forum
Defenders of the Philippine Sabah & Spratly Claims
16 July 2013

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