
Sunday 14 April 2013

Najib continues to lie by perpetuating a gross Malaysian fairy tale

He's doing it again! 

In a ceremony in Sabah to set up Sabah East Coast Special Security Area (ESSCOM*) a couple of days ago, Malaysia's PM Najib Razak once again spewed his grotesque fairy tale: "... that the state of Sabah, since Sept 16, 1963 and with the decision and support of the majority of the people in the state, had stated that they wished Sabah would be independent in Malaysia."
There was no 1962 referendum as such in Sabah to speak of. If there was one, why can't Najib show the results of the referendum? All Najib has to do is to instruct Hishamm, his Home Minister to show the documents. But he can't do that because the humiliating truth will be revealed: that there was no 1962 North Borneo (Sabah) referendum as such! 

So, Mr Najib continues to lie by perpetuating a gross Malaysian fairy tale that the people of Sabah at the time had supported a joint Cobbold Commission-Tunku Abdul Rahman decision for Sabah to be annexed to Kuala Lumpur. Wrong! 

Even Harvard-educated Jeffrey G Kitingan, a native of Sabah, leader and politician, had already disputed Najib's claim about "referendum" in Sabah and insisted that there was no referendum as such in 1962. 

In fact, Jeffrey Kitingan said that "Any talks between Malaysia and the Philippines must include Sabah because only the people of Sabah can decide what they want."

report by Luke Rintod for the Free Malaysia Today:

KOTA KINABALU: United Borneo Front (UBF) chairman Jeffrey Kitingan has disputed the context of the 1962 referendum which academics and Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak claim confirmed Sabahans’ desire to be part of Malaysia. 
“There has never been a referendum on Sabah as stated by some academics. 
“In fact, the so-called referendum in 1962-63 was actually only a sampling survey of less than four percent of the Sabah population,” he said in response to Najib’s comments on Sabah yesterday.
If only Malaysians were a bit smarter, as in they are able to engage brain, they would realise that Kuala Lumpur is holding Sabah illegaly:
"The absence of Singapore has directly resulted in the constitutional treaty, which included the constitutions of Sabah and Sarawak in the Federation of Malaysia, being invalid." -- Joseph Wilfred Lakai, for Free Malaysia Today
And what do you know? Even Malaysia Insider dared publish a challenge by Neal Cruz: Malaysia fears World Court opinion over Sabah claim, says columnist. 

So Najib lies! All good Muslims must ask for Najib's tongue to be cut off for lying!

NB: Najib's ESSCOM's mission is to do police and military operations to eliminate the "terrorists", a term Najib and his colleagues in Kuala Lumpur use against Filipinos in Sabah of Tausug and Suluk ancestry who own Sabah.

To Najib and his colleagues, we say: 

~~ By AdB
14 April 2013

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