
Thursday 21 March 2013

To President Aquino: It's never too late to show even a sliver of courage

A letter to the President of the Philippines (in picture)

Subject: The Kuala Lumpur sponsored soon-to-be circus trial of the eight Filipinos charged with terrorism, including two of them who were also charged with waging a war against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (King of Malaysia).

Mr President, 

You virtually went on bended knees crawling before China authorities to spare the lives of some convicted drug mules on the pretext that every Filipino life is important.

But sadly, that personal doctrine of yours (or was that perhaps just for show?) went straight into the rubbish bin when it came to Sabah and to your friendship with Najib. You implied that your peace deal with the MILF which Kuala Lumpur has been engineering for you - but which was, in reality, a Malaysian strategical ploy for you to bury the Sabah claim - took premium over the lives of the peaceful Suluks who went to Sabah to stake their claim.

Instead of reassuring the Suluks, you disowned and publicly humiliated them on nationwide television, parroting the lines of Najib who literally was crapping all over you, over your manhood, over your dignity - AND THIS NATION's DIGNITY, even as Malaysians themselves were surprised that you had become Najib's spokesman.

Incidentally, Mr President, you may not know it - or may have chosen to ignore it, your friend and bogus "peace" engineer Najib Razak is the son of former Malaysia prime minister Tunku Abdul Razak who hated PH so much after your own Daddy (RIP) denounced Operation Merdeka back in the late 60s that he (Najib's Daddy) began funding the MNLF and MILF rebellion in the South.

Mr President, lest you forget, it was a foreign military with seven battalions of troops armed to the teeth who, upon orders of a foreign government (never mind if the leader of that foreign government was your best friend), launched the attack on the Filipino Tausugs in Tanduo and not the other way around as you and your brilliant advisers would like the public to believe.

Today, you stand accused in the court of public opinion of betrayal of trust, of violating your oath as president of the Republic, of de facto burying the nation's Sabah claim, of inaction in time of crisis, and even of cowardice, but Mr President, you can still redeem some of the remaining shreds of dignity this nation has left by fighting for our people who are facing the wrath of a foreign government and its armies that are occupying Sabah which, as you have now been told, is Philippine territory by PH law by virtue of Republic Act 5446.

If you choose to continue ignoring the plight and the human rights abuses heaped against our fellowmen in Sabah by a foreign government and its armed component, heaven help you Mr President but you will go down in history as the most ignoble and morally corrupt leader this country has ever known. But if you turn around now and show a brave face against the officials of Kuala Lumpur in defence of your people, you just might end up a hero in public eyes.

Think about it Mr President! It's never too late to show even a sliver of courage.

Thank you, Mr President.

We remain,

~~ Defenders of the Philippine Sabah and Spratly Claims
21 March 2013


REPORT: The eight accused Filipinos were among 107 suspected Sulu gunmen or suspected local supporters of the Kirams who were arrested by Malaysian security forces in sweeps in the districts of Lahad Datu, Tawau, Kunak, Sandakan and Semporna.
Radio 24 confirmed that as in Wednesday’s arraignment, none of the accused entered any plea.

Radio 24 said Malaysian Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail led prosecution.

Like the Sabah-based radio station, Radio 24 said no lawyer assisted the accused during both proceedings.

Radio 24 reported the judge as ordering the attrorney general to determine whether defense lawyers will be “appointed by the Bar Council of Malaysia, the Philippine government or the accused themselves.”

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