
Sunday 10 March 2013

Legal opinion on Philippine Sabah claim: Sovereignty right and owner of land

SUBJECT: An important factor in the Sabah question is THE NINE SULTANATE HEIRS and not whoever the sultan is. The Philippine Government must not use the Kirams' intra-family bickering as an excuse NOT to perform the Republic's contractual obligation.

OPINION OF ADMIN APM, LEGAL EXPERT, PHILIPPINE SABAH CLAIM FORUM: "Who owns the land, or who among the heirs is the manager or trust holder of a property has no bearing on a country's sovereignty rights. 

"In fact, it is not even important who owns the title at this point for as long as a government have acquired dominion over it at one time based on an internationally-acceptable mode of acquisition of a territory.

"It is about what lands and waters are included in a country's territory and jurisdiction as outlined in its Constitution and other special laws. Proprietary rights over a real property are transferred every day, in many different ways, but the country still retains sovereignty rights over the same.

"Even selling it to a a citizen of another country, or an intra-state corporation (which is not legal in the Philippines) does not transfer the sovereign right of one country to the buyer's country of origin.

"Who the right sultan of the Sultanate of Sulu is tantamount to meddling in who is the administrator of the properties left by an intestate deceased parent. It's not an issue that needs to be addressed in a question of sovereignty rights."

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