
Tuesday 12 March 2013


Philippine Army gives bronze medals to
Malaysian troops part of the outgoing
International Monitoring Team batch 7
in recognition of their efforts to monitor peace
between the Philippine government
and the MILF. (Photo by Ferdinand Cabrera)
REPORT: Malaysian military peace monitors in PH despite standoff [the conflict is also known as Malaysia military's murder of Filipino citizens in Sabah] (Please see report below)

In Mindanao, outgoing Malaysian troops acting as "peacekeepers" for Malaysia-engineered GPH-MILF Bangsamoro homeland in the making are awarded Bronze medals by Philippine Army and are replaced by fresh Malaysian armed forces troops headed by a Malaysian general.

This is happening as Kuala Lumpur officials order Malaysia military to "wipe out" all Filipino Tausugs involved in the 'Sabah stand off.' 

JUST HOW LOW WILL THIS GOVERNMENT GO TO APPEASE kUALA LUMPUR? What is our Government doing while our fellow Filipinos are being chased by foreign troops in Sabah which, by Philippine law (Republic Act 5446), is a Philippine territory? Why does our Govt allow Malaysian military (disguised as Peacekeepers) to take control of Mindanao territory while PH citizens are being massacred in Sabah by the same Malaysian forces?

Govt should suspend permission for any and all Malaysian military (even under pretense of peacekeeping in Mindanao) missions and should not allow Kuala Lumpur troops to walk about in our territory while Malaysian forces are killing our people and are committing human rights abuses on Filipinos in Sabah.

It is absolutely insane to allow these Malaysian military troops on Mindanao while there is even the remotest conflict involving the citizens of the Republic on a mission to recoer their homeland and Malaysia troops. It is like allowing Kuala Lumpur military to build a beachhead into our territory with total impunity so they could prepare for a potential Malaysia armed forces invasion operation of our territory! INSANE!

Completely insane! PH even goes as far as to award outgoing "peacekeeping" Malaysian troops medals while Filipino Tausug fighting for Sabah homeland are getting murdered by Malaysia military forces! Does Govt not realise that these Malaysian 'Bronze Medalists' (courtesy of PH Army) just might be assigned to Sabah to kill our fellow Filipino Tasugs in Sabah?


~~ Defenders of the Philippine Sabah and Spratly Claims 


BY RAPPLER.COM POSTED ON 03/11/2013 6:51 PM | UPDATED 03/11/2013 6:50 PM
DATU ODIN SINSUAT, Maguindanao – Despite tensions stemming from the month-long Sabah standoff, Malaysia sent a new set of troops to Mindanao as peace monitors. 
The troops arrived over the weekend to replace the outgoing batch of peace monitors whose one-year tour of duty under the International Monitoring Team (IMT) batch 7 expired. 
Malaysia is brokering a peace deal with the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). The peace process is now in the fine-tuning phase, with the recent signing of one of the annexes on the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro. 
Four of the 19 contingents are from the combined Royal Army of Malaysia, Royal Navy, Royal Police and civilian components. They arrived as part of the advanced party of the Malaysian monitors. 
IMT batch 8 headed by Maj Gen Dato Fadzil Bin Mokhtar received a welcome during a farewell dinner for IMT batch 7. 
Mokhtar addressed questions on whether or not the Sabah standoff will affect his team’s mission. 
“I don’t think so. We arrived in wrong timing [but] we have no apprehension at all [that] this new tour of duty will be tarnished in relation to the Sabah issue. We are clear on our mission here: to continue to monitor the ceasefire,” said Mokhtar. 
Outgoing head-of-mission of IMT batch 7, MGen Dato Abdul Rahim Bin Mohd Yusuff echoed the view. 
“IMT is concerned only [with] the directive by the Philippine government and the MILF to monitor the ceasefire,” Yusuff said. 
The Malaysian troops arrived amid criticism from some sectors of Philippine society about the crackdown on Filipinos in Sabah. Refugees from Sabah have reported abuses and atrocities supposedly committed by Malaysian security forces. 
A total of 52 militants and 8 Malaysian police officers have been shot dead and 85 people have been arrested for possible links to the followers of the Sultanate of Sulu. 
The standoff began exactly one month ago when the followers of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III crossed over to Sabah to assert their historical claim over the territory. 
Full story in this link

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