
Monday 11 February 2013

MALAYSIA WATCH: Christians are forbidden to use the word 'Allah' for God in Selangor or face 'stern punishment'


"Allah" has been used by Indonesians and Malaysians to refer to God which was used in the traditional translations of the Christian Holy Bible dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries.
Sultan Sharafudrin Idris Shah of Selangor
But be informed the Sultan of the Malaysian state Selangor himself -- Sultan Sharafudrin Idris Shah (shown in picture), has issued a decree that ‘Allah’ can be used only by Muslims and those who violate the ruling will receive stern punishment. 
We have reported about this Sultanate of Selangor ruling recently. In fact, we also reported that a Catholic Bishop had taken the Malaysia Sultan of Selangor to court for arbitrary ruling on freedom of religion but there has been no judgement yet. 
In our view, Malaysia Courts will find it difficult to reverse the Sultan of Selangor ruling. High reverence for sultans across Malaysia, where Islam is the religion practised by more than 63% of the population, is something that Malaysia courts will find hard to ignore. The Sultan of Selangor is one of the nine hereditary sultanate rulers of Malaysia who take turns to become King of Malaysia and Malaysia Courts will be hard put to go against the decision of one of the hereditary monarchs.
According to a Muslim Exclusive report, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah made a decision and decreed that the word ‘Allah’ is a sacred word specific to Muslims and it is prohibited to be used by any non-Muslim in Selangor.” 
No less than the the Islamic Affairs Council of Selangor state released the Selangor sultan's decision. The Islamic council  also warned that "a stern action" was ordered against those questioning the new fatwa. 

But Malaysia's Council of Churches also said it will continue to use the word “Allah” in the Malay version of the Bible and issued the following statement: Many indigenous communities in our nation have incorporated this word in their everyday language. That being the case, we shall continue this practice, and call on all parties to respect this fundamental right guaranteed to them in the country's Federal Constitution.” 

However, report also says that officials across the country "reacted positively to the reaffirmed ban on the word, some of them saying that Sultan Sharafuddin has every right to issue such decrees, him being the head of the state's Islamic affairs.

Meanwhile in Penang,  Datuk Ibrahim Ali, the fiery leader of Perkasa, a Malay rights group, called on Muslims to burn Malay language Holy Bibles that contain the word "Allah" and other religious scripts that come into their possession. 

But a report by the Malaysian Insider said that the Perkasa Malay rights group leader was "merely protecting Islam and its position as enshrined in the Federal Constitution [of Malaysia] and includes rejecting those who insult the religion and who try to spread their own faiths to Muslims." 

In Sarawak, considered the poorest 'state' of Malaysia, Bian, a member of the state's assembly said that  the call to burn Bibles was an act meant to politicise religion for the political ends of Barisan Nasional (BN, party of current Malaysia Prime Minister Najib). 

Bian also called Sarawakans to “ponder over why the people of a land as rich as Sarawak are amongst the poorest in this country after 50 years under the BN government." He reminded Sarawakans that "“The constitution guarantees us freedom of religion and that guarantee must be honoured. We must not let matters of personal belief tear us asunder.”

~~ AdB
11 February 2013

For more info: The cities in the State of Selangor and their population (Wiki): 
CityPopulation 2010
1Subang Jaya1,553,589
3Ampang Jaya804,901
4Shah Alam671,282
5Petaling Jaya638,516
8Selayang Baru265,297
10Taman Greenwood157,967
For info: Over 28 million people live in Malaysia, out of them:
  • 61.3% are Muslims, 
  • 19.8% are Buddhists
  • 9.2% are Christians, 
  • 6.3% are Hindus and 
  • 3.4% practice other or no religion (Source: 2010 Census).
Muslim exclusive: Malaysian sultan forbids using ‘Allah’ outside Islam
Published 09 January 2013The Sultan of the Malaysian state Selangor has issued a decree that the sacred word ‘Allah’ can be used only by Muslims. 
The move put more fire into controversy in the state where language peculiarities also make Christians use the term. 
Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah made a decision and decreed that the word ‘Allah’ is a sacred word specific to Muslims and it is prohibited to be used by any non-Muslim in Selangor,” the Islamic Affairs Council of the Selangor state said Tuesday. 
The body added "a stern action" was ordered against those questioning the new fatwa, but did not elaborate. 
The sultan, mufti and council convened after the chief minister of another state, Penang, urged the central government to allow the word ‘Allah’ to be used in the Malay translation of the Bible, national daily The Star Online reported. 
For full story, link here.
Under fire, Perkasa says bible-burning threat meant to prevent violence
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 24 ― Despite facing heat for Datuk Ibrahim Ali’s bible-burning remark, Malay rights group Perkasa have insisted their president’s words were actually a “wake-up call” to prevent possible violence against distributors of bibles containing the word “Allah” and other Arabic scripts. 
The group’s secretary-general, Syed Hassan Syed Ali, said Ibrahim has no problem facing the consequences of his remarks, including being questioned by the police due to the reports lodged against him. 
“To the Perkasa president, he is sure not worried about these reports... because the investigation will surely be based on truth and justice,” he said in a statement sent to The Malaysian Insider. 
But Syed Hassan maintained that Ibrahim’s statement was more to prevent possible physical violence and other untoward incidents, should these Malay-language bibles get into the hands of Muslim students. 
If this is seen by Muslims who view this as an attempt at apostasy, the Perkasa leader said violence could be used against the book’s distributor. 
“I very much understand my president’s statement because it is as a ‘wake-up call’ to all parties to prevent these untoward incidents.  
For full story, link here.
‘Politicing religion is deliberate action’
Joseph Tawie | February 10, 2013 
Sarawakians must be wary of BN's divdie and rule policy and their inaction over the Bible burning issue, says Baru Bian. 
KUCHING: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s deafening silence in face of Perkasa’s call to burn the Malay version of the Bible shows that the Barisan Nasional government had a ‘deliberate plan’ to politicise religion and ‘contain’ Christianity. 
Reminding Sarawakians to be wary of BN’s divide and rule policy, Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian said: “Witness the ‘Allah’ issue, the deafening silence by the prime minister in the face of Ibrahim Ali’s call for the Malay Bible to be burnt, Dr Mahathir’s association with Perkasa and most recently, the revelations of the ongoing RCI in Sabah into Project IC. 
“My friends, we cannot be blind to all these events.” 
Bian said both Malaysia and Sarawak were a secular nation and state and as such had no “official” religion. 
“The constitution guarantees us freedom of religion and that guarantee must be honoured. We must not let matters of personal belief tear us asunder,” stressed Bian, who is the Ba’Kelalan assemblyman. 
On the coming parliamentary election, he said:  “As we prepare for the polls, let us reflect on what is dear to us as Sarawakians, and what we value most in our society. 
“Let us ponder over why the people of a land as rich as Sarawak are amongst the poorest in this country after 50 years under the BN government. 
For full story and picture of the Holy Bible in Malay version, link here.


  1. Warning and Alert- Religious SCAM! DON'T BE THE NEXT VICTIM!!!
    I am Christian for over 40 years, l would like to share my opinion on Pastor Jean Lim ( Semarak Revival Centre) and Glory Place Centre of Malaysia(GP).
    Please be cautious and be on the ALERT! Religious SCAM-
    The people living in this cult are brained washed to reject education, medicine, having a career(Working), finding a job. Instead, they must only pray 24/7 other things are prohibited. What a Cult! They were forced by the Ministry to testify positive things about Pastor Jean Lim. They are not working and cannot associate with the people of the world who are considered unholy and dirty. Where they get their source of finances? They said from heaven? That's bullshit! They get their finances from scamming rich Christians who are suffering from critical illness like Cancer. They promised that Yeshua will heal them and withdraw all their savings, careers, steal their properties and then murder them and sent back their bodies. l have been a full-time staff under Jean Lim ministry for 10 years. So far, all the people came to her ministry were killed and were murder. We forced to propaganda all the good news about her Ministry cult movement. We were force to tell lies and cover up all her murders. During my serving, from 2005 to 2015, l witnesses over 36 people who were victims of this ministry murder scam. Every church in Singapore and Malaysia you go, when you ask about Pastor Jean Lim, Semarak Revival Centre or Glory Place Malaysia(GP), they will show you pictures of their loved ones who were victims of this cult. Go and survey around first! You will learned that this cult has a massive records of cheating, murdering and killings. The estimate number of victims being murdered is estimated to be around 5, 000-7,000 in Malaysia and Singapore. Whereas, around the world is something like 15, 000-20,000. Such figures were massive. Thus, this is just an ice berg of the biggest mass murder ever in this world. It is nearly impossible to stop such a cult ministry. When, we murder or do harm to others, other supernatural force will also work to protect or support such pure evil movement. That's why nobody can stop this ministry. They need to murder and kill minimum around 10-20 people per-month around the world, for the evil force to be pleased and continue to shield and protect their lives and ministry from the authorities. During my stay in 2009, we were forced to open savings and current accounts in Singapore, Malaysia and Australia and our name and bank account were used to SCAM the rich Christians around the world by getting money into our account. They will force us to withdrawal from the bank. Don't be the next VICTIM!
    Go and do your study first, every church in Malaysia and Singapore you go, the leaders or pastors will give few names and pictures of murder victims, scam victims, complaints that pastor jean lim(Semarak Revival Centre) has deceive and cheated all their savings and hard earn money. Every church you go and ask! Why you are still supporting them! Come out from that Cult! It cannot be from Yehua, if it is from Yehua, people will not die, people will get well. We are talking about 1000s of people being murdered there. 5 or 10 is ok. This is too much. When l was a pastor there, just because my children went to school l was discriminated and my CDs and books we prohibited to be be sold there. According to the them, Children cannot go to school. Going to school is like taking drugs and a big sin. Such EVIL people, may God has mercy on your souls. Wake up! Your children die and be condemned for all the murders, cheating and lies you have done to others..


  2. Religious Scam- Warning!
    Lost of kidney and Bankruptcy
    I am a victim to this extreme dangerous religion, which is lead by pastor jean lim. They will tell u not to see doctor and wash ur brain. I am very very regretful that I believe what they say until my kidney was damaged and need to undergo dialysis. After 2-3 years l spent almost RM150k for my treatment now l am a bankrupt now and ask for help for other Christian organisations. When l contacted pastor Jean Lim and the pastors in SRC and GP, they refused to talk to me and help me. They has brought so much of damage to me. I tell you the truth they are not good Christian. They teach you false doctrines. I hope tat there will be mo more victims like me. Becatious and be warned about such cult movement. Ask other church in Malaysia. Every church in Malaysia you go
    When you discuss to them about this ministry
    They will give you a list of victims who were scammed and murdered or deceived. Warning

  3. All My Family Members were killed and Murdered by Pastor Jean Lim and Staff at Glory Place(GP), Negeri Sembilan.

    I am Rebecca and l am 43 years old this year. In 2010 and 2012 our family visited pastor Jean Lim, we thought they were sincere and has good intention for our family. However, we were wrong! I bought my husband to Jean Lim Ministry he was suffering from cough and sore throat due to lung infection in 2012, we went to be Pastor Jean Lim in Glory Place(GP), Mantin, Negeri Sembilan. They told us to attend the for church service as they said my husband needs cleansing and deliverance. They suggested we go to Glory Place(Their so called Heavenly and holy place(GP), we went there and stay in mountain. It is believe that over 45 people were murdered and buried in the mountain, as this cult believes that those who die there will go straight to heave. They confined by husband into a small dark room, stop the food supply and water supply(fasting) to his room, tie him with chain on a chair, they never allow him to get medical supplies or meet a doctor. When his condition became worst, they demanded me withdrawal all our money from our savings from the bank, as they promised Jesus will heal my husband, they threatened us if we never pay RM250,000 my husband will die, so l withdrawal and sold our house and pay the church RM250, 000. And if we never make the payment to the church, my husband will be killed by them and they will sent back his body to Singapore. However, Jesus did not heal my husband. His condition became worsen and when he was about to die because they never allow him to eat, drink, take medicine, and seek a doctor for more then 14 days. As you know that cult oppose taking any medicine as they believe it is from the devil.
    When my husband condition and situation became worst, they choked him and close his face with a plastic bags to make sure no oxygen enter his nose and try to stop him from breathing. Pastor Jean Lim and all the pastors there did it, l saw it with my eyes and l am witness to the death of my husband and children. That is why they also try to kill me? They hate witnesses, who will eventually testify about their crimes to the public (Which l am doing now) They say the faster he die he will go heaven more quickly, the more better for him, as there will be no more suffering. So he died, the first few days, l was told to tell lies to the police about the location of his death and the events leading to his death. I was shaking in shock so l submit to their request to tell lies to the police and launch a police report which story has been 80-90 % altered and was not true. As a matter of fact, Pastor Jean Lim and all the pastors there have killed my husband in a dark room, by stop giving him food and water, refuse to allow him medical supply or seek a doctor. When he becomes weaker and worse in condition, they chocked him and cover his head with plastic bags on his face to stop the oxygen supply to let him die faster( Jean Lim has a mental problem, she always want people to die fast and the younger the more better) as they told me he is going to heaven and it is better than staying in this world which is full or sicknesses and sufferings. I have 3 children and kids all were killed by them when they felt ill, they were refuse medical treatment and they were chocked to death by Pastor Jean Lim and all the pastors there with a towel and plastic bag. They advice us not to make police report about their deaths as our three children are under the age of 12 years old.

  4. To what extend this ministry glorify Jesus? l lost everything, every blessings l have Jean Lim and all the pastors there brought harm and murder to them all. I am in grief, l need help.....My testimony is just a surface of a grave mass murder done by Pastor Jean Lim and all the Pastors in SRC and GP, if your viewing my message you can help by forwarding this messages to all the authorities e.g. police, MPs, other churches and also warn other people about (Pastor Jean Lim).

    This Testimony is written by Rebecca Tan Siew Wong on the 16th of January, 2014. She would like to appeal to other victims to contact her at work together to seek justice for the murdered victims.

  5. My Filipino Wife was murdered by Pastor Jean Lim and all the pastors in SRC and GP.

    Dear All,
    I am appealing and would like warn the public concerning the biggest mass murder and killings in Southeast Asia done my Pastor Jean Lim and All the pastor in SRC( Semarak Revival Centre) and Glory Place (Mantin), l am warning you to stay away and avoid these people. They are scamming all the rich people of their money and ill-treating the poor people like me and also Wilson Tan who have two kids. They murder our loved ones and forced us to launch a fake police reports. MANY ARE SO BLINDED!!! They say our loved ones are now IN HEAVEN having fun. Now we are standing up to seek justice for the thousands victims who were murdered and properties stolen using the name of religion.
    They robe all our lives savings, properties and money in the bank and then kill our loved ones. Now we are stranded and without a job and without a place to stay. They stole every thing from our lives. Then they just forget and discard us. They have done so much of murder and harm to countless of people around the world.

    They teach all the young people to quit schooling and not to go to school as it is a sin to receive education in government school. They ruined and destroyed all the young kids and children’s future. Cheat all of them of a better future, teach them to prey and murder other innocent people. How pure evil the hearts of pastor Jean Lim and all the pastors in SRC and GP were!

    They forced the young youth and adults to open saving bank accounts of their own name in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia. They scam other rich people and used our bank account number for people to deposit money in into our account and then forced us to withdrawal the money in cash when through their religious scam. They teach all the youth how to steal and cheat money..

    They promise healing in the name of Yeshua to us. But they actually stole all the money from our banks. Steal our our properties and murder our loved ones and sent back their dead bodies. What a religious murder scam!

  6. Dear All,
    Here are several reasons why l left pastor Jean Lim's Minstry.
    1. Her teaching is out and a cult movement.
    2. She stop children from going to school and prohibit child from receiving education from the world. Because she don’t' have money to sent all the young kids and children to receive education and have a better life in the future. She used the Bible to justify that education of the world is demonic. Which she ruin the lives and the future of the children in her Ministry. What a pure evil heart pastor Jean Lim have towards young kids and children. She murder and destroy their future with lies and put in on the Bible and justify it as righteous and upright.
    2. She always say the world will end, for instance in 2007 she said the world will end of September, 2007. She gave poison and murdered 2 children, 3 adults. All of these were covered up and bodies were buried near the heals near GP, Mantin. Every church you go around Malaysia and ask the leaders around. They will list down 2 or 3 people who were victims of this cult movement, who no longer live in this world. The point and put the blame on her and saying he has the title of murder in the highest. She believes all the people who were murdered and died in her holy mountain will go to heaven, what a deception and lie.

    3.Before she murder each victim, she will try to withdraw all their money and savings in the bank first to use it for the expansion of her so called heavenly kingdom. They pastor Jean Lim and the pastors there will find a suitable strategy to murder them. It could be through poisoning and other punishment methods.

    4. They usually don't use bank account, they pay us using cash. All the salaries of their 50 full-time staff we paid using cash. There are no banks and translations using our local banks. They have massive amount of cash which most of the money were stolen for the victims they murder. At one time when l was there in 2012, there were RM1-2 million in cash all of this money are stolen money from the deceased and smuggled from Singapore through Johor. They everything in huge amount of cash, e.g buying van, car and others. They don't have proper account records or any records. I assume that all their accounting records have been altered or wrong as they don't record any expenses. I can guarantee you they are 100% involved in stealing, money laundering and fraud in accounting.

  7. 5. A Religious Scam- During my stay, l witness over 25 victims who were murdered and killed by pastor Jean Lim and all the pastor there. They always demand money from the victims and take advantage of their vulnerability to cash out as much money as they can from the each victims and their loved ones saying the money is for the expansion of the Kingdom of God and if they give money their sicknesses e.g. heart problem, cancer and other illness with get well. This is a religious SCAM! When they get all the large among of money e.g. RM100, 000 and RM200, 000. Then, they will murder the victim and kill them. They are always fearful of the world and the authorises and try their best to hide their activates and murder. A person who goes into the church for help, usually will end up losing all his hard earn money savings, career, and also life. His/her dead body will be sent back home to his father, wife, mother, sister or husband and they will tell that he has died and now is enjoying life in heaven. Then, Pastor Jean Lim, will give some nice bible verses beautiful bible verses and talk good things about him. For example, because of this person, he has changed something.. and have done something special for other people to follow of something...

    6. NO TO EDUCATION- Those who are full-time must renounce their and repent because going to school and burn all their education qualifications and repent. Their parents also must repent for sending their children to school and receiving education from the world. They burn all their degree qualifications, sadly l saw in the past people in this cult burning their degrees from Australian, British Singaporean Universities. Imagine their parents spend RM250K for a overseas education all in vain because they are blinded by this cult movement.

    7. No working and their perception about people in the world as dirty, unholy and hopeless. They believe that they are the only one going to heaven because they have been separated from the world and are considered as clean and holy people. Other people who are working are bad people and destruction, sicknesses and claminity will fall upon them and their children. They serving full-time are holy and righteous people and are protect and will leave in happiness, peace, joy and good health in their new heavenly Jerusalem. However, the are unable to explain about the death rates in the camp, how come last week 3 babies died! Is a murder den! They think people die there will go straight to heaven, people die outside and in the world will not make it to heaven.

    8. NO TO MEDICINE AND DOCTOR- They refuse to accept medication and doctors. They say medication is demonic and they hate doctors. They believe medications is from the Goddess and idol of serpents or something wrong according to the Bible. THIS IS WORST than Jonestown. Jonestown leader, accepts education and medication. But this Malaysian Cult movement under pastor Jean Lim say no. As results one woman get pregnant and give birth, usually the babies die and they bury it in the hills without making any police reports as they refuse to take medicine and want to see a doctor. Because that is what they believe, many babies born there about 2/3 of their die. Most of them are handicap babies and handicap child when they grow up. But they are still stubborn. Not only they murder people but also deceive people not to take medicine and justify that God heals and medicine and doctors are bad.

    9.This is ( Part 1) of my sharing a little bit of the ice berg of their mass murder and some of their activities. I absolutely agree with some of the statement made by other defectors that " Maximum Murder compared to a serial killed, a serial killer kills 5-7 people and get arrested", Pastor Jean Lim kills the maximum people and still move on like a hero with many followers, thinking all those victims who were killed will go to heaven, such a deception and lie.
    Yours Faithfully,

  8. The biggest Religious Scam and mass murder in Asia: From my closest to Enemy number 1.

    I was a faithful Pastor Jean Lim followers for over a decade, she was my mentor and good friend. However, things changed when she l decided to resign from the church. Her teachings are according to the her teachings are out and a deception. Her ministry is a SCAM. She demands money from people and promises that Yeshua(Jesus) will heal them especially those suffering from cancer and critical illness but when she received the money from their loved ones. She murder them instead and sent back the dead bodies. All the police reports launched concerning the death of the deceased has been modified and are fake. They have a sample or draft police report when a person in murdered or killed in SRC or GP, they usually will follow that suit. And the police in Malaysia is so ignorant and silly to believe some of their non sense. Because this is mass killings and mass murder, they will always try to find ways and defend they are right.
    The whole ministry is a SCAM and they are involved in a multi-million dollar money laundering, they cheat all the money and seized all the properties of the deceased for their ownself.
    When l submitted my resignation letter, all the pastors at SRC and GP tried to murder me, they put poison in my food, they try to hit me with knifes and used Parang to threatened me, but l left. I am very very regretful that l have joined their cult movement.
    They have taught me to tell lies, deceive people, murder others, how to kill the vulnerable victims, how to cheat the rich to get money using the name of Yeshua(Jesus), and murder and kill hundreds of innocent children. Separating them from their parents, prohibited them from going to school and killing them on a mountain. All the lost and missing people in Singapore that we see in our daily news and Straits Times Singapore were murdered and killed there.
    This testimony is from Daniel Yeo from Singapore taken from one blog about warning against Pastor jean Lim.

  9. SCAM ALERT- On this entity and location!!!!
    Warning- Religious SCAM
    SCAM AGAMA di bawah Pastor Jean Lim( pencuri, pembunuh dan penipu)


    Saya menulis kebenaran mengenai Pastor Jean lim semua penganut Kristian di negeri Sabah ini akan menolak ajaran sesak Pastor Jean Lim dari Semenanjung.
    1. Ajaran mereka tidak membenarkan anak-anak pergi ke sekolah dan belajar untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik pada masa depan. Pastor Jean, mengunakan injil kononnya untuk menyokong isu pendidikan anak-anak. Dia melarang anak-anak kami pergi ke sekolah. Ajaran buatan dia mengacam dan menyebabkan ramai anak-anak jadi bodoh macam dia. Dia menganggap anak-anak yang pergi ke sekolah sebagai penjenayah atau penagih dadah dan memeras ugut anak-anak yang besekolah. Jangan bagi anak-anak kamu jadi bodoh macam anak-anak bawah pastor Jean Lim yang engan pergi ke sekolah.
    2. Ajaran mereka sesak misalnya, perubatan dan doktor perubatan adalah haram dan semua orang yang menjadi pengikut mereka tidak boleh berjumpa doktor dan mengambil ubat apabila sakit. Ajaran sesak ini telah menyebabkan ramai kematian terhadap mereka yang mengikuti ajaran bodoh ini. Tolang baca dalam web and blog lain mengenai beratus atau ribu kematian yang berlaku akibat ajaran sesak mereka tidak menerima rawatan doktor dan tidak dibenarkan mengambil ubat. Search on google- " Pastor Jean Lim Src". Kamu dapat lihat berpuluhan senerai mengenai ajaran sesak ini.
    3. Dunia akan kiamat, pada 2008, 2010 dan 2012 dia berkubah bahawa dunia akan kiamat. Namun semua tipu-tipu muslihat ajaran sesak ini. Pada tahun 2008, dia memberi tahu semua orang di gereja hari akan kiamat pada 29, jun, 2008, tapi pada 30, jun,2008 dunia belum kiamat. Pastor jean lim dan pengikut dia telah membunuh 2 kanak-kanak dan seorang ibu di Glory place mantin, negeri Sembilan.
    4. SCAM AGAMA- pastor jean lim dan pengikutnya telah menyebabkan banyak kematian dan pembunuhan kepada orang ramai di Malaysia. di anggarkan 3500-5000 orang telah meninggal dunia di bawah pastor jean lim dan pengikutnya. Semua membunuh seseorang itu, pastor jean lim and mencari strategi untuk mengeluarkan semua duit dalam bank dan menjual harta tanah dengan mengunakan alasan memperluaskan ajaran Kristian(kononnya). Mereka mempunyai wang tunai dalam tangan yang banyak RM1-2 juta, semua dicuri dari mangsa SCAM agama mereka. Dan banyak orang tidak sedar muslihat tipu mereka sehingga semua duit dalam bank dan juga harta-harta dan harta pustaka di curi pastor Jean lim and pengikutnya.
    5. Semasa saya berkerja di bawah pastor Jean Lim (2009-2016), saya melihat dengan mata sendiri 28 orang telah di tipu dan di bunuh oleh pastor Jean Lim and pengikutnya. Mereka mengambil kesempatan terhadap mangsa atau menganut kristian yang menghadapi penyakit Kritical seperti Kanser dan orang tua dan usur untuk mencuri, pencen, duit simpanan, harta mereka selepas membunuh mangsa mereka. Cuba baca petikan Inggeris di bawah:

    " A person who goes into the church for help, usually will end up losing all his hard earn money savings, career, and also life. His/her dead body will be sent back home to his father, wife, mother, sister or husband and they will tell that he has died and now is enjoying life in heaven. Then, Pastor Jean Lim, will give some nice bible verses beautiful bible verses and talk good things about him. For example, because of this person, he has changed something.. and have done something special for other people to follow of something..."
    Sekian Laporan Saya, Tolong Jauhi dari kamu dari Pastor Jean Lim dan pengikutnya. Sekian, Terima kasih

    These two organisations using fake charities schemes to cheat millions from Christians around the World.
    Scammers are increasingly using fake charities or impersonating real charities to take advantage of people’s generosity and compassion.

    Scamwatch is warning people to watch out for fake charities and offering some quick and easy precautions to take to ensure their money goes towards a legitimate charity organisation.

    So far in 2018, Semarak Revival Centre(SRC) and Glory Place Malaysia(GP) has SCAMMED around 28 individuals where reported losses were RM 313,563 in Malaysia alone.

    “Malaysians are very generous, donating hundreds of millions each year to thousands of different charities. Unfortunately scammers are increasingly using people’s generosity against them by setting up fake charities to fleece them,"

    Warning against Semarak Revival Centre(SRC) and Glory Place Malaysia(GP). Do not be the next VICTIM, do not associate and stay away from them.


