
Saturday 25 August 2012

Debasing of the proud Tausug-Sulu culture must not be encouraged

Sultanate of Sulu titles which are European sounding are proliferating on Facebook courtesy of an individual claiming to be prince marshal of the Tausugs. The impostor is not even related by blood to the royal Kirams of Sulu. This vile individual is hell bent on debasing the Sultanate of Sulu culture; his con-artistry is debasing the Philippine heritage... Really objectionable!

The attempt to fool unsuspecting Facebookers may just work if we allow this shameless con artist pretending to be a prince of Sulu to go unchecked. His debasing of the Tausug/Sulu culture is undoubtedly part of a huge scam or plot to con people in the short, mid and long term. Please be warned. Don't let yourself be fooled by his antics. His conferring on every Tom, Dick and Harry on Facebook of some European aristocratic or noble sounding title has absolutely no value; totally illegal, i.e., fake. Remember that the Philippines is not a monarchy. The Sultanate of Sulu furthermore does not and has never counted European sounding titles in its rosters of royal titles. 

In other words, the idea that the Tausugs count among them nobles with so-called European aristocratic titles of baron, baroness, viscount, count, countess, marquis, and worse, duke or duchess or whatever invented European titles is utterly stupid and laughable in the extreme.

The Tausugs we know, and one of them is MNLF founder and famous Tausug Nur Misuari himself, find it extremely objectionable that a group of charlatans on Facebook are mocking their culture.

If you are in doubt, please check with the provincial government of Sulu or contact the Tausugs; communities of Tausugs live and do trade within Metropolitan Manila area... But bottom line is for all us to be vigilant and not to prop up such actions that continue to debase a proud culture and heritage by remaining silent or worse, joining this band of frauds and impostors! Thank you.

Link to the Provincial Govt of Sulu [official] website:

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