
Tuesday 12 June 2012

How dare Mahathir lecture us on democracy!!!

WE ARE AGHAST! The University of Santo Tomas asked former Malaysia PM Mahathir to lecture us on democracy! 


Mahathir ibn Mohamad was Malaysia's 4th prime minister and governed his graft-ridden government for more than 22 years. During those years, Mahathir played a key role in the subversion movements in southern Philippines that have continued to plague our country to this day. He was responsible for supplying financial and logistical aid to the MNLF and to the MILF. The training of Hashim Salamat's MILF forces in Sabah (as well as the MNLF under Nur Misuari) to rebel against the Philippine government stepped up during his reign as prime minister.
It was he who made sure that Sabah became the gold mine for voters to keep UMNO in power. He instituted graft and corruption as a commonplace political tool not only in Peninsular Malaysia but also in Sabah to ensure the survival of UMNO in Malaysia parliament. He exploited the resources of Sabah, and used the spoils of Sabah to work against our own country's democratic institutions and indirectly was responsible for the untold number of deaths in our armed forces resulting from the non-stop fightings between the southern Philippine rebel moro groups and the AFP.
And this is the man who dares to lecture us about democracy? 
The University of Santo Tomas should not have asked him to be their keynote speaker. Why should Filipinos hear about the tenets of democracy from the same man who has made it his lifetime mission ensuring that there is no peace in southern Philippines so that we can not claim Sabah back? Why should Filipinos hear about the tenets of democracy from the same man whose politics ensured that displaced Filipinos in Sabah (which we own) should be treated like dogs? 
Have Filipinos got NO PRIDE???

NB: On this day, the 12th of June which marks our 114th independence anniversary, more than at any time, is the time when we should all reflect on the words of the illustrious Senator Jovito Salonga, father of the Philippine Sabah claim.  
"If, despite the assumed knowledge of the validity and justice of the Philippine claim, we fold our arms in mortal fear, we should lose not merely the respect of all law-abiding nations (the United Kingdom and the Asian countries in particular), but also a considerable measure of self-respect — which, to my mind, is more important — and, by our own inaction and timidity, lose our faith in the ultimate validity of that which is right and just."

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