
Monday 7 May 2012


Omar Kiram (not his real name), boasted to have studied Heraldry which he is now using to deceive people. He is the Master Puppeteer who got Datu Fuad to pose as Sultan. Both of them are POSERS calling themselves HM Sultan Fuad Kiram I of Sulu and Sabah and Grand Prince Marshall Omar Kiram of Sulu and Sabah respectively. So if you are one of those unsuspecting cats-paws, BEWARE! 

(Document on the left shows a royal decree excommunicating Datu Fuad Kiram for attempting to usurp the Sulu throne. To view the original, click on the link here)

Questions to ask Datu Fuad Kiram and the FAKE Royalties if and when you you are "conferred" a European sounding nobility or aristocratic title (by the way, they don't exist in the Sultanate of Sulu culture) or any sort of title that may be offered to you via Facebook (Beware a group is distributing these "sultanate titles" left, right and center on Facebook) :

1. Sultan of what? Where is your seat of the Sultanate?

2. Why are you living in destitute state in a small rentalhouse in Angono, Rizal away from the seat of power which is Sulu?

3. How come that both Philippines and Malaysian government don't recognize you as Sultan? Why isn't there any legitimate communication or recognition by the Philippines or Malaysian government to recognize you but instead recognize Jamalul Kiram III as the true and legitimate Sultan?

4. How come that old newspaper covers since the time of Marcos featured the true Sultan as Jamalul Kiram III with Nur Misuari in the picture?

5. How come that Nur Misuari himself does not recognize Fuad as Sultan and even said that "Omar Kiram is a mystery to me. I don't know where he came from."?

6. You met Dux Legazpi in 2004 and you asked a meeting with Rajamuda Butch. You then asked to be conferred a title on you and your new business partner, Dux. How come that you were stripped off of your title of Regent Sultan of Sulu and Sabah and Dux Legazpi aka Omar Kiram as Datuk by the Rajamuda Muedzuel-Lail "Butch" T. Kiram? To be stripped off a title means you did something dishonorable.

7. Then after you and Omar were stripped off your titles, you and Omar started a malicious campaign against Butch with no proof. But Butch obtained police and school clearance to debunk your lies and clear his name you tried to besmirch. How can you sell out your family for a businessopportunity to make money?

8. In the same year of being stripped off your title in 2006, you proclaimed yourself as Sultan of Sulu and Sabah and Omar as "Grand Prince Marshal of Sulu and Sabah" in a basketball court in Maharlika Village away from the seat of power which is Sulu. There was not a single Royal dignitary in attendance but only few curious onlookers.

9. Why did you allow Omar to change his familyy name to a Kiram knowing that he has no Kiram blood nor a drop of Royalty blood running through his veins? Is it because he is paying your house rent in Angono, Rizal and Omar makes money for both of you by you posing as Sultan and Omar as Prince?

10. Why did you deny or lie about your third wife, Farida and daughter, Habiba? Your wife said that you have not even paid a cent towards your daughter and worse, you abandoned them while she was still pregnant. Then your marriage license and wedding pictures were posted on PSCF as proof! This is a HARAM act! An honorable man will not do such a thing especially a man who claims to be a Sultan. Is it because you are following the instruction of your Master Puppeteer, Omar?

11. How come that government of Sulu that listed all the previous Sultans does not even have your name or recognize you as Sultan? Check it out!

Link to official Province of Sulu website:

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